6.4.2 RTC Match Functionality (No Hibernation)
Use the following steps to implement the RTC match functionality of the Hibernation module:
- Write 0x0000.0040 to the HIBCTL register at offset 0x010 to enable 32.768-kHz Hibernation oscillator.
- Write the required RTC match value to the HIBRTCM0 register at offset 0x004 and the RTCSSM field in the HIBRTCSS register at offset 0x028.
- Write the required RTC load value to the HIBRTCLD register at offset 0x00C.
- Set the required RTC match interrupt mask in the RTCALT0 in the HIBIM register at offset 0x014.
- Write 0x0000.0041 to the HIBCTL register at offset 0x010 to enable the RTC to begin counting.