SLAU915 May   2024 ULC1001


  1.   1
  2.   Description
  3.   Get Started
  4.   Features
  5.   5
  6. 1Evaluation Module Overview
    1. 1.1 Introduction
    2. 1.2 Kit Contents
    3. 1.3 Specification
    4. 1.4 Device Information
    5. 1.5 General Texas Instruments High Voltage Evaluation (TI HV EVM) User Safety Guidelines
  7. 2Hardware
    1. 2.1 Hardware Information
    2. 2.2 Connection Procedure
  8. 3Software
    1. 3.1 GUI Setup
    2. 3.2 System Overview
      1. 3.2.1 System ISR Period
      2. 3.2.2 System Drive Voltage
      3. 3.2.3 System Calibration
        1. DC Bias Calibration
        2. Temperature Calibration
        3. Auto Sense Calibration
        4. Cleaning and Power Calibration
      4. 3.2.4 System Cleaning
      5. 3.2.5 System Diagnostics
    3. 3.3 GUI Overview
      1. 3.3.1 GUI Top Level Layout
        1. North Pane
        2. South Pane
        3. Center Pane
      2. 3.3.2 High Level Page
        1. Burst Parameters
        2. Calibration Settings
          1. Voltage and Current Sense Circuitry
        3. Cleaning Mode Settings
          1. Auto-Cleaning
          2. Water Cleaning
          3. Deice Cleaning
          4. Mud Cleaning Mode
        4. Power and Diagnostic Settings
      3. 3.3.3 Register Map Page
      4. 3.3.4 I2C Configuration Page
      5. 3.3.5 GUI Functions
        1. Monitor Communication Status
        2. Load and Save Configuration Files
          1. MSP430 Firmware Programming
        3. Re-initialize System
        4. Fault and Flag Monitoring and Clearing
        5. Run Calibration
        6. Run Cleaning Modes
        7. Run Diagnostic Mode
        8. Run Abort
        9. Script Recording
  9. 4Hardware Design Files
    1. 4.1 Schematics
    2. 4.2 PCB Layouts
    3. 4.3 Bill of Materials (BOM)
  10. 5Additional Information
    1. 5.1 Trademarks

System Diagnostics

Texas Instruments created two diagnostic modes for limiting power and detecting faults in the lens cover system. These modes are System Fault and Power. The valid burst for diagnostic modes are listed in Table 4-5.

Table 3-5 Valid Diagnostic Bursts
Burst #Burst NameDescription
20CONTROL_Burst_Power_Region_1The power bursts are used to measure the peak real power in a particular region and adjust the amplitude for the respective cleaning region based on programmable thresholds. Initially, the burst amplitude must match the respective region settings and the frequency range includes the peak power frequency.
22CONTROL_Burst_SystemFaultThe system fault burst measures the maximum current magnitude and minimum impedance in the programmed frequency region to determine if there is an open load condition or the LCS is damaged.

Power mode can be used to regulate the power to the system. This mode can contain two burst for the two calibration frequency regions, bursts 2 and 3, respectively. There is an upper and lower power threshold for each region. After running the Power mode, the device determines a new amplitude, Amp (PuV), for the clean bursts (8-17) and the power bursts (20 and 21) to get the power into the limits set by the upper and lower thresholds. The measured power values from calibration are stored in USER_Params_baselineParams_Pmax_W_Q24_1 (region 1) and USER_Params_baselineParams_Pmax_W_Q24_2 (region 2). The LCS power values after running Power mode are stored in USER_Flags_Pmax_W_region1_Q24 and USER_Flags_Pmax_W_region2_Q24.

For the System Fault mode, a current threshold, register USER_Params_sfaultParams_Imag_threshold_A_Q9, and an impedance threshold, register USER_Params_sfaultParams_Zthreshold_ohm_Q20, must be set appropriately for the algorithms to run correctly. TI recommends a value of 200mA. The impedance of the LCS can change significantly when damaged. Therefore, the impedance threshold must be set based on the delta impedance expected when the LCS is damaged. TI recommends a value of 225Ω.