SLIU024 April 2022 DRV5033 , DRV5033
The following instructions describe how to set up and use the EVM.
The board is populated with three rocker switches as indicated in Figure 3-1. With each switch there are two Hall-effect switches and three LED indicators. When a rocker is in the default resting state, the magnets in the rocker top are sufficiently far from either Hall-effect switch such that neither operate point (BOP) is triggered, resulting into high outputs feeding into an XOR that drives the middle LED to turn on. When the rocker top is moved sufficiently far in one direction, the BOP of Hall-effect device in that direction will trigger, resulting in the corresponding LED to light up. Figure 3-2 shows how the LEDs for a given rocker switch light up based upon the rocker top position.
The unpopulated rocker space allows the user to place a rocker switch of interest to them. This space has multiple locations at which a Hall-effect sensor can be placed. This allows the user to observe the impact of increasing sensor offset, which decreases the field observed by the sensor and thereby lowers the BOP threshold angle as shown in Figure 3-3. Alternatively, these alternate sensor placement locations provide the user with the option to evaluate the performance of in-plane devices like the TMAG5123 in a rocker switch design by making some minor modifications to the 3d print files and reorienting the magnet as seen in Figure 3-4.
CAD files are available for the user to reuse and manipulate for their evaluation.