SLLU348 April   2022 TCAN1167-Q1


  1. 1Trademarks
  2. 2Introduction
    1. 2.1 Features
    2. 2.2 Description
  3. 3EVM Setup and Features Explained
    1. 3.1 Evaluation Equipment
    2. 3.2 Jumpers, Connectors, and Test Points
    3. 3.3 Mode Control
      1. 3.3.1 Wake Pushbutton
      2. 3.3.2 SPI Interface
    4. 3.4 TXD Input
    5. 3.5 RXD Output
    6. 3.6 INH Pull-Down
  4. 4Schematic and Bill of Materials
    1. 4.1 Schematic
    2. 4.2 Bill of Materials

Jumpers, Connectors, and Test Points

Table 3-1 lists the jumper configurations and test points on the EVM.

Table 3-1 TCAN1167EVM Jumper, Connector, and Test Point Description
Designator Description Function
J1 2x1 TH header Reset jumper. Manually reset the IC by populating a shunt.
J2 2x1 TH header INH Pull-down. Includes 110kΩ pull-down when shunted.
J3 6x2 TH header Main digital IO breakout. Includes all SPI and CAN signal lines. Connect to an offboard processor for mode control and CAN data interfacing.
J4, J13 6x1 TH header CAN bus access. Monitor CAN bus or connect with offboard transceiver.
J5 2x1 TH header Vbat diode bypass. Bypass reverse protection diode when shunted.
J6 2x1 TH header Vbat jumper connection. Supply Vbat from a small cable connection.
J9, J10 2x1 TH header Termination control. Include 120Ω terminatino resistor when shunted.
J11, J12 2x1 TH header Noise injection point. Populate series resistor to inject noise onto a signle CAN signal through a fixed impedance.
J13 D9 Connector Cable connector. Easily connect to a cable harness which utilizes the standard CAN pinout.
TP1 Red multipurpose test point VSUP test point. Supply the board with VSUP
TP2 Red multipurpose test point LDO5 test point. Monitor or draw from 5V LDO.
TP3, TP4, TP13, TP14 Black multipurpose test point GND test point.
TP5 Green multipurpose test point SCLK test point. Monitor SPI clock input.
TP6 Green multipurpose test point SDI test point. Montior SPI data in.
TP7 Green multipurpose test point SDO test point. Monitor SPI data out.
TP8 Green multipurpose test point nCS test point. Monitor SPI chip select input.
TP9 Green multipurpose test point RXD test point. Monitor CAN RXD output.
TP10 Green multipurpose test point TXD test point. Monitor CAN TXD input.
TP11 Yellow multipurpose test point WAKE test point. Monitor WAKE input signal.
TP12 Yellow multipurpose test point INH test point. Monitor INH output signal.