SLOA049D July 2000 – February 2023
If an ideal low-pass filter existed, it would completely eliminate signals above the cutoff frequency and perfectly pass signals below the cutoff frequency. In real filters, various trade-offs are made to get optimum performance for a given application.
Butterworth filters are termed maximally-flat-magnitude-response filters, optimized for gain flatness in the pass band. The attenuation is –3 dB at the cutoff frequency. Above the cutoff frequency, the attenuation is –20 dB/decade/order. The transient response of a Butterworth filter to a pulse input shows moderate overshoot and ringing.
Bessel filters are optimized for maximally-flat time delay (or constant-group delay). This means that they have linear phase response and excellent transient response to a pulse input. This comes at the expense of flatness in the pass-band and rate of rolloff. The cutoff frequency is defined as the –3 dB point.
Chebyshev filters are designed to have ripple in the pass band, but steeper rolloff after the cutoff frequency. Cutoff frequency is defined as the frequency at which the response falls below the ripple band. For a given filter order, a steeper cutoff can be achieved by allowing more pass-band ripple. The transient response of a Chebyshev filter to a pulse input shows more overshoot and ringing than a Butterworth filter.
When constructing a filter, there are two topologies that can be used: the Sallen-Key topology, which is a non-inverting circuit, or the Multiple Feedback (MFB) topology, which creates an inverting second-order stage circuit. See the Filter Designer tool or the filtering cookbooks for more information on the Sallen-Key and MFB filters.