SLUAAL7 September   2022 BQ35100


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2EVM and System Setup
  5. 3Enabling EOS Mode
    1. 3.1 Steps for Enabling EOS Mode
  6. 4I2C Communication Between the Microcontroller and the BQ35100 EVM
  7. 5Testing Procedure
  8. 6EOS Data Example
  9. 7Final Configuration of the BQ35100 Data
  10. 8Conclusion
  11. 9References


This application note examines how to configure the BQ35100 for End of Service (EOS) mode to accurately alert when a primary Li-SoCl2 battery needs to be replaced. To optimize the algorithm, impedance data needs to be collected using a microcontroller or other capable system to help calculate the data flash parameters for the EOS algorithm and alert functions.