SLUAAO0 june 2023 TPS563207S
A circuit with TPS563252 Simplis model is built to do DC and AC analysis. TPS563252 is a part with high frequency to 1.2 MHz and high accuracy reference voltage. The reference voltage of TPS563252 is 0.6 V. If the SoC needs supply voltage to be 0.5 V to 0.7 V and typical supply voltage is 0.6 V. If Vtest voltage is 0, the output voltage is maximum value. Set bottom divider resister to be 10 kΩ, top divider resister 2 kΩ. Based on previous analysis, set AVS resister to be 47 kΩ which has small effect on loop at different output voltage. The voltage of AVS range is 1.07 V to 5.77 V based on Equation 3. Figure 3-1 shows TPS563252 schematic in Simplis.
Figure 3-2 shows output voltage at Vtest voltage of 1.07 V, 3.1 V and 5.77 V. From steady state analysis, output voltage is stable and smooth. By this method, a desired output voltage, that is lower than reference voltage, is received.
The bode plot as Figure 3-3 is received by running the AC simulation. The gain and phase curve are nearly the same. From phase margin, the bode plot is stable.