Why does cell
balancing stop after a few seconds? The balancing
automatically stops after 20 seconds. It is the user
responsibility to resend the 0x0083 command.
Why do I need to send the Cell Balancing
command multiple times when using the Commdand
Sequence tab in BQStudio? Make sure the Auto
Refresh and the Scan icons
are OFF so that the EV2400 does not keep talking to the
device while balancing.
Why my multimeter reports a lower balancing
current and lower voltage when
balancing? The
multimeter reports an average value because it cannot keep
up with the measurement frequency. A scope must be used to
be able to capture these measurements.
Why is the cell balancing not working after
sending 0x0083 subcommand? A checksum and length must
be sent. Please see the following example. Cell 1 (VC1) Cell
Balancing command
W: 10 3E 83 00 02 (writes to cell 1)
W: 10 60 7A 05 (checksum and length)
R: 10 40 2 (reads active balancing cells)
Where can I probe to see cell balancing happening at a particular cell? You can be probing at the
VCx pins if using internal balancing. If using external
balancing circuitry, it is recommended to probe at the
external balancing resistor to see if the FET or BJT is
How can I calculate the maximum allowed dissipated power through the internal balancing
FETs? P =
(Imax)2 × RDS(ON)
Imax is the maximum cell balancing
current at each cell (50 mA)
Where the typical
internal cell balancing resistance
(RDS(ON) for the internal FET) is