12 Revision History
Changes from Revision A (September 2015) to Revision B (August 2021)
- Updated the numbering format for tables,
figures, and cross-references throughout the document. Go
- Updated the user's guide
Changes from Revision * (May 2015) to Revision A (September 2015)
- Added updated EVM Assembly Drawings and PCB Layout drawings.Go
- Changed C11, C12, C21, C22, C23, C27, C28 description, manufacturer and part number.Go
- Changed C13, C14, C15, C16 description, manufacturer and part number. Go
- Changed J1 description, manufacturer and part number.Go
- Changed J2 description, manufacturer and part number.Go
- Changed JP1 and JP2 description, manufacturer and part number.Go
- Changed L1 part number.Go
- Changed all resistor manufacturer and part numbers to STD. Go