SLUUBW5A July 2018 – September 2021 BQ34Z100-G1
Extended commands offer additional functionality beyond the standard set of commands. They are used in the same manner; however, unlike standard commands, extended commands are not limited to 2-byte words. The number of command bytes for a given extended command ranges in size from single to multiple bytes, as specified in Table 3-8. For details on the SEALED and UNSEALED states, refer to Section
AverageTimeToEmpty() | ATTE | 0x18/0x19 | Minutes | R | R |
AverageTimeToFull() | ATTF | 0x1A/0x1B | Minutes | R | R |
PassedCharge() | PCHG | 0x1C/0x1D | mAh | R | R |
DoD0Time() | DoD0T | 0x1E/0x1F | Minutes | R | R |
AvailableEnergy() | AE | 0x24/0x25 | 10 mW/h | R | R |
AveragePower() | AP | 0x26/0x27 | 10 mW | R | R |
Serial Number | SERNUM | 0x28/0x29 | N/A | R | R |
Internal_Temperature() | INTTEMP | 0x2A/0x2B | 0.1 K | R | R |
CycleCount() | CC | 0x2C/0x2D | Counts | R | R |
StateOfHealth() | SOH | 0x2E/0x2F | % | R | R |
ChargeVoltage() | CHGV | 0x30/0x31 | mV | R | R |
ChargeCurrent() | CHGI | 0x32/0x33 | mA | R | R |
PackConfiguration() | PKCFG | 0x3A/0x3B | N/A | R | R |
DesignCapacity() | DCAP | 0x3C/0x3D | mAh | R | R |
DataFlashClass() (2) | DFCLS | 0x3E | N/A | N/A | R/W |
DataFlashBlock() (2) | DFBLK | 0x3F | N/A | R/W | R/W |
Authenticate()/BlockData() | A/DF | 0x40…0x53 | N/A | R/W | R/W |
AuthenticateCheckSum()/BlockData() | ACKS/DFD | 0x54 | N/A | R/W | R/W |
BlockData() | DFD | 0x55…0x5F | N/A | R | R/W |
BlockDataCheckSum() | DFDCKS | 0x60 | N/A | R/W | R/W |
BlockDataControl() | DFDCNTL | 0x61 | N/A | N/A | R/W |
GridNumber() | GN | 0x62 | N/A | R | R |
LearnedStatus() | LS | 0x63 | N/A | R | R |
DoD@EoC() | DEOC | 0x64/0x65 | N/A | R | R |
QStart() | QS | 0x66/0x67 | mAh | R | R |
TrueRC() | TRC | 0x68/0x69 | mAh | R | R |
TrueFCC() | TFCC | 0x6A/0x6B | mAh | R | R |
StateTime() | ST | 0x6C/0x6D | s | R | R |
QMaxPassedQ | QPC | 0x6E/0x6F | mAh | R | R |
DOD0() | DOD0 | 0x70/0x71 | HEX# | R | R |
QmaxDOD0() | QD0 | 0x72/0x73 | N/A | R | R |
QmaxTime() | QT | 0x74/0x75 | h/16 | R | R |
Reserved | RSVD | 0x76...0x7F | N/A | R | R |