SLUUCE4 June 2021
Table 2-1 details the connection descriptions.
Pins | Description |
VCC | VCC positive input test point. Powers IC VDD pin, use 4.5-V to 26-V range. |
VDD | VDD positive input of UCC27624 IC |
GND | Multiple test points. VCC negative input, HI_IN,LI_IN, and ENA_IN negative inputs, and ground at UCC27624 IC |
INA_IN+ | Channel-A PWM signal |
INB_IN- | Channel-B PWM signal |
INA | INA input pin |
INB | INB input pin. |
ENA_IN | Enable A input. Connect to GND to disable ch-A |
ENB_IN | Enable B input. Connect to GND to disable ch-B |
Gate_A | OUTA output at capacitive load and gate |
Gate_B | OUTB output at capacitive load and gate |
OUTA | OUTA output at driver's pin of UCC27624 |
OUTB | OUTB output at driver's pin of UCC27624 |