SLUUCH2 March 2021 BQ40Z50-R2
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Gas Gauging | IT Cfg | Resistance Parameter Filter | U2 | 1 | 65535 | 65142 | — |
Description: This is one of the filters used for a resistance update. Reducing this filter setting can improve low temperature performance at high rates. The default setting is 41 s.
It is recommended to keep this filter within the range of 4 s (DF setting = 61680) up to the default 41 s (DF setting = 65142). Examining the Term Voltage Delta setting and Fast Scale Start SOC should be done prior to adjusting this parameter when trying to improve the RSOC performance.
The following is the formula to convert the DF setting into the actual filter time constant in units of seconds:
Filter time constant = [0.25 / (1 – (DF_Value / 65536))] – 0.25.