SLUUCH2 March 2021 BQ40Z50-R2
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Gas Gauging | Smoothing | Term Smooth Start Cell V Delta | I2 | 0 | 32767 | 150 | mV |
Description: If the config bit [DSG_0_SMOOTH_OK] is set, then during discharge and once the pack voltage is below the threshold defined in this register, time-based smoothing is initiated. This will smooth RemCap to 0 mAh over the next Term Smooth Time seconds. Term Smooth Start Cell V Delta is a per cell voltage delta. This value is multiplied by the number of cells, added to Terminate Voltage, and checked against Voltage(). Smoothing will continue to 0% unless charging starts (even in RELAX mode).