SLUUCJ0 November 2023 BQ76907
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Cell Balancing | Balancing Configuration | H1 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x02 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD0_3 | RSVD0_2 | RSVD0_1 | RSVD0_0 | CBDLY_2 | CBDLY_1 | CBDLY_0 | CB_NO_CMD |
Description: This bit field includes settings to control the cell balancing operation
Bit | Field | Default | Description |
3–1 | CBDLY_2–CBDLY_0 | 1 | This setting determines the delay from when cell balancing is disabled before cell measurements begin, to allow voltage transients at the cell input pins to settle. 0 = No delay 1 = 1 ms delay 2 = 2 ms delay 3 = 4 ms delay 4 = 8 ms delay 5 = 16 ms delay 6 = 32 ms delay 7 = 64 ms delay |
0 | CB_NO_CMD | 0 | This bit enables blocking writes to the CB_ACTIVE_CELLS() subcommand if host-controlled balancing is not desired. Readback of cell balancing status using this command is always enabled. 0 = Writes to CB_ACTIVE_CELLS() are accepted. 1 = Writes to CB_ACTIVE_CELLS() are ignored. |