Press the Advanced Comm I2C button to select the Advanced Comm I2C window. This tool provides access to parameters using I2C and Manufacturing Access commands. See Figure 1-11. The transaction log screen shows the history of sent commands.
Note: I2C commands are sent in Little Endian format.
Reading an I2C Command.
- Read chemical ID (0x 0006).
- Make sure the device is unsealed
- Write 0x00 using BlockDataControl() command (0x61) to enable block data flash control. (wr 0x61 0x00)
- Write to mac address 0x3e Command 0x06 0x00 (see Figure 1-11).
- Read 4 bytes.
- The result returned is 0x10 0x12, which is little endian for chem id 1210.
Sending a MAC Gauging() to enable IT via ManufacturerAccess().
- With Impedance Track™ disabled, send Gauging() (0x0021) to ManufacturerAccess().
- Write to mac address 0x3e command 0x21 0x00 (see Figure 1-11).