SLUUCW9 December 2023 BQ76972
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Settings | Configuration | DA Configuration | H1 | 0x00 | 0xFF | 0x05 | Hex |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Bit | Field | Default | Description |
4 | TINT_FETT | 0 | TINT_FETT enables the internal temperature source to be used as the "FET Temperature". TINT_EN must also be set for this to apply. When TINT_EN = 0, this bit is ignored. When configured for FET temperature, it is not factored into minimum, maximum, and average cell temperature calculations. 0 = Internal temperature is not used for "FET Temperature" 1 = Internal temperature is used for "FET Temperature" if TINT_EN is also set |
3 | TINT_EN | 0 | TINT_EN enables the internal temperature source to be used as the “Cell Temperature” for protections and logic that use minimum, maximum, or average temperature. 0 = Internal temperature is not used for "Cell Temperature" 1 = Internal temperature is used for "Cell Temperature" |
2 | USER_VOLTS_CV | 1 | Some of the BQ769x2 family of devices support high voltages. To ensure the Top-of-Stack, PACK, and LD pin voltages fit in a signed 16-bit integer type, their units are configurable. This configurable unit is called user-volts and can be set to either centivolts or millivolts. For applications that do not exceed 32 V, millivolts can be used. Other applications should use centivolts to avoid saturating at 32767 mV.
0 = Millivolt (1 mV) units are selected for user-volts 1 = Centivolt (10 mV) units are selected for user-volts |
1–0 | USER_AMPS_1–USER_AMPS_0 | 1 | To support a wide range of applications, the device allows its units of current to be configurable. This configurable unit is called user-amps and can be mapped to different units of current. This extends the range of the reported 16-bit current to allow it to scale with the anticipated load.
0 = Decimilliamp (0.1 mA) units are selected for user-amps. 1 = Milliamp (1 mA) units are selected for user-amps. 2 = Centiamp (10 mA) units are selected for user-amps. 3 = Deciamp (100 mA) units are selected for user-amps. |