SLUUD50 October 2024 BQ27Z758
This read-write command reports the configuration and status of the battery sensing output (BAT_SP and BAT_SN pins) in UNSEALED and SEALED modes.
The lower byte contains the real-time configuration of the battery sensing output. The upper byte contains the status of protection events on BAT_SP (BCP, BDP) and BAT_SN (BCN, BDN), which detect short-circuits to either PACK+ or PACK-.
While BattSenseOutput()[MANUAL] = 0, the configuration of the battery sensing output updates automatically and is reflected in BattSenseOutput().
While BattSenseOutput()[MANUAL] = 1, the configuration of the battery sensing output updates based on writes to BattSenseOutput(). The exception to BattSenseOutput()[MANUAL] = 1 is that the device automatically updates the configuration to a high impedance state during protection events. When BattSenseOutput()[MANUAL] changes from 1 to 0, the remaining bits in BattSenseOutput() are ignored and the battery sensing output returns to HIZ mode, as described in Table 6-1.
The lower byte of BattSenseOutput() is only writeable in UNSEALED mode.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 |
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
RSVD (Bits 15–12): Reserved. Do not use. | ||
BCP (Bit 11): BAT_SP to PACK+ short detection | ||
1 = | Short between BAT_SP and PACK+ detected | |
0 = | Short between BAT_SP and PACK+ not detected | |
BDP (Bit 10): BAT_SP to PACK– short detection | ||
1 = | Short between BAT_SN and PACK– detected | |
0 = | Short between BAT_SN and PACK– not detected | |
BCN (Bit 9): BAT_SN to PACK+ short detection | ||
1 = | Short between BAT_SN and PACK+ detected | |
0 = | Short between BAT_SN and PACK+ not detected | |
BDN (Bit 8): BAT_SN to PACK– short detection | ||
1 = | Short between BAT_SN and PACK– detected | |
0 = | Short between BAT_SN and PACK– not detected | |
MANUAL (Bit 7): Battery sensing output manual mode | ||
1 = | Enable manual mode | |
0 = | Disable manual mode (automatic mode) | |
RLO_P_EN (Bit 6): Low resistor (RLO) enable on BAT_SP | ||
1 = | Enable low resistor between BAT and BAT_SP | |
0 = | Disable low resistor between BAT and BAT_SP | |
RLO_N_EN (Bit 5): Low resistor (RLO) enable on BAT_SN | ||
1 = | Enable low resistor between VSS and BAT_SN | |
0 = | Disable low resistor between VSS and BAT_SN | |
RLO_SEL (Bit 4): Resistance of low resistors (RLO) | ||
1 = | 200 Ω | |
0 = | 510 Ω | |
BUF_P_EN (Bit 3): Buffer enable on BAT_SP | ||
1 = | Enable buffer between BAT and BAT_SP | |
0 = | Disable buffer between BAT and BAT_SP | |
BUF_N_EN (Bit 2): Buffer enable on BAT_SN | ||
1 = | Enable buffer between VSS and BAT_SN | |
0 = | Disable buffer between VSS and BAT_SN | |
BUF_REF_1, BUF_REF_0 (Bits 1–0): Voltage offset of buffers | ||
1, 1 = | 600 mV | |
1, 0 = | 400 mV | |
0, 1 = | 200 mV | |
0, 0 = | 0 mV |