SLVAFH6 November 2023 LM25066 , LM5066 , LM5066I , TPS25984 , TPS25985 , TPS25990 , TPS536C9T
The IMON pin in TPS25984, TPS25985, or TPS25990 eFuses serves two purposes:
Therefore, the same resistance, either called RIMON or RISYS, is determined by considering the required over-current protection threshold for the eFuses as well as the full-scale analog voltage range of the ISYS_IN pin in the VR14 controller.
The analog current monitoring output (IIMON), sourced on the IMON pin in TPS25984, TPS25985, or TPS25990 eFuses, is defined as Equation 1.
GIMON is the current monitor gain (IIMON : IIN) in TPS25984, TPS25985, or TPS25990 eFuses, whose typical value is 18.18 µA/A. IIN is the total input current to the platform. The over-current condition is detected by comparing the voltage at the IMON pin (VIMON) by dropping the IIMON across the RIMON resistance against a reference threshold of VIREF. VIMON is obtained using Equation 2.
The circuit-breaker threshold during steady-state (IOCP) can be calculated using Equation 3. For more details, see the Steady-State Over-current Protection (Circuit-Breaker) section in TPS25984, TPS25985, or TPS25990 eFuses data sheets.
In TPS25990 eFuse, VIREF is set through PMBus® using E0h register.
In TPS25984 and TPS25985 eFuses, VIREF is specified by placing a resistor (RIREF) at the IREF pin. Equation 4 is used to calculate the value of RIREF.
IIREF = 25 µA (typical).
The total platform input current drawn from the PSU, as sensed by the VR14 controller at the ISYS_IN pin, is given by Equation 5.
IIN is the platform current drawn from the PSU. Essentially, GISYS and GIMON are the same parameter with identical values. RISYS and RIMON are the same parameter with identical values.
ISYS_IN_GAIN: A scaling factor internal to the VR14 controller to account for the external gain factors GISYS and RISYS.