SLVK117 October 2022 TPS7H2221-SEP
During the SEB/SEGR characterization, the device was tested at around 25°C.
The species used for the SEB/SEGR testing was a Xenon (129Xe) ion and a Silver (109Ag) with an angle-of-incidence of 0° for an LETEFF = 42.7 and 46.8 MeV·cm2/mg (for more details refer to Section 5). The kinetic energy in the vacuum for this 129Xe is 3.197 GeV (25-MeV/amu line) and for 109Ag is 1.634 GeV (15-MeV/nucleon line). Flux of approximately 105 ions/cm2·s and a fluence of approximately 107 ions/cm2 were used for the ten runs. Run duration to achieve this fluence was approximately 2 minutes. The five devices were powered up using the recommended maximum voltage of 5.5-V and loaded to 1.25-A using either the power resistor or the chroma load in CR mode. The TPS7H2221-SEP was tested under enabled and disabled modes, the device was disabled by using the ON pin forcing ON to 0 V through the PXIe-4139 SMU. The power resistor or Chroma E-Load were connected, even when the device was disabled, to help differentiate if an SET momentarily activated the device under the heavy-ion irradiation. During SEB/SEGR testing with the device "disabled", no VOUT transient or input current events were observed. No SEB/SEGR events were observed during all ten runs, indicating that the TPS7H2221-SEP is SEB/SEGR-free up to LETEFF = 46.8 MeV·cm2/mg and across the full electrical specifications. Table 7-2 shows the SEB/SEGR test conditions and results. Figure 7-2 shows a plot of the current vs time for run # 6 (Enabled) and Figure 7-3 for run # 7 (Disabled).
RUN # | UNIT # |
Load Type |
ION | LETEFF (MeV·cm2/mg) | FLUX (ions·cm2/mg) | FLUENCE (# ions) |
SEB Event Occured? |
6 |
1 |
Discrete Power Resistor |
129Xe | 42.7 | 9.25 × 104 | 1 × 107 | Enabled |
No |
7 |
1 | Discrete Power Resistor | 129Xe | 42.7 | 1 × 105 | 1 × 107 | Disabled |
No |
8 |
2 | Discrete Power Resistor | 129Xe | 42.7 | 1.15 × 105 | 1 × 107 | Enabled |
No |
9 |
2 | Discrete Power Resistor | 129Xe | 42.7 | 1.16 × 105 | 1 × 107 | Disabled |
No |
10 |
3 |
Chroma (Constant Resistance) |
129Xe | 42.7 | 9.77 × 104 | 1 × 107 | Enabled |
No |
11 |
3 | Chroma (Constant Resistance) | 129Xe | 42.7 | 8.70 × 104 | 1 × 107 | Disabled |
No |
12 |
4 |
Chroma (Constant Resistance) |
109Ag |
46.8 |
1.22 x 105 |
1 × 107 | Enabled | No |
13 |
4 |
Chroma (Constant Resistance) | 109Ag | 46.8 | 1.26 x 105 |
9.95 x 106 |
Disabled | No |
14 |
5 |
Chroma (Constant Resistance) | 109Ag | 46.8 | 1.05 x 105 | 1 × 107 | Enabled | No |
15 |
5 |
Chroma (Constant Resistance) | 109Ag | 46.8 | 1.09 x 105 | 9.95 x 106 | Disabled | No |
Using the MFTF method described in Single-Event Effects (SEE) Confidence Interval Calculations application report and combining (or summing) the fluences of the six 129Xe runs @ 25°C (6 × 107) and the four 109Ag runs @ 25°C (4 × 107), the upper-bound cross sections (using a 95% confidence level) are calculated as:
σSEB ≤ 6.15 × 10–8 cm2/device for LETEFF = 42.7 MeV·cm2/mg and T ≤ 25°C.
σSEB ≤ 9.24 × 10–8 cm2/device for LETEFF = 46.8 MeV·cm2/mg and T ≤ 25°C.
The dips in current are associated with SETs which are discussed further in the SET section. All current excursions were fully recoverable with no external intervention.
The TPS7H2221-SEP have a typical shutdown current of 2nA at 25 °C, however the N6766A power supply resolution is on the mA range, for this reason the plot here shows the noise floor of the equipment. As the load was connected at all times, this prove that during the SEB-OFF no Burn-Out or momentary enabling of the pass element happened during the heavy-ion exposure.