SLVK174 September 2024 TPS7H1121-SP
The purpose of this study was to characterize the effect of heavy-ion irradiation on the single-event effect (SEE) performance of the TPS7H1121-SP low-dropout (LDO) linear regulator. Heavy-ions with LETEFF = 75 MeV·cm2/mg were used for the SEE characterization campaign. Flux of 5.08 x 104 to 1.07 x 105 ions/cm2 ·s and fluences of ≈107 ions/cm2 per run were used for the characterization. The SEE results demonstrated that the TPS7H1121-SP is free of destructive SEL and SEB/SEGR and SET/SEFI up to LETEFF = 75 MeV·cm2/mg across the full electrical specifications. CREME96-based worstweek event-rate calculations for LEO(ISS) and GEO orbits for the DSEE and SET are presented for reference.