SLVK174 September   2024 TPS7H1121-SP


  1.   1
  2.   TPS7H1121-SP Single-Event Effects (SEE)
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Introduction
  5. Single-Event Effects (SEE)
  6. Device and Test Board Information
    1. 3.1 Device and Test Board Information Continued
  7. Irradiation Facility and Setup
  8. Depth, Range, and LETEFF Calculation
  9. Test Setup and Procedures
  10. Destructive Single-Event Effects (DSEE)
    1. 7.1 Single-Event Latch-up (SEL) Results
    2. 7.2 Single-Event Burnout (SEB) and Single-Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) Results
  11. Single-Event Transients (SET)
  12. Event Rate Calculations
  13. 10Summary
  14.   A Total Ionizing Dose from SEE Experiments
  15.   B References


The purpose of this study was to characterize the effect of heavy-ion irradiation on the single-event effect (SEE) performance of the TPS7H1121-SP low-dropout (LDO) linear regulator. Heavy-ions with LETEFF = 75 MeV·cm2/mg were used for the SEE characterization campaign. Flux of 5.08 x 104 to 1.07 x 105 ions/cm2 ·s and fluences of ≈107 ions/cm2 per run were used for the characterization. The SEE results demonstrated that the TPS7H1121-SP is free of destructive SEL and SEB/SEGR and SET/SEFI up to LETEFF = 75 MeV·cm2/mg across the full electrical specifications. CREME96-based worstweek event-rate calculations for LEO(ISS) and GEO orbits for the DSEE and SET are presented for reference.