SLVUC03 November   2022


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1About this Manual
  4. 2Information About Cautions and Warnings
  5. 3Items Required for Operation
  6. 4Introduction
  7. 5Setup
    1. 5.1 Switch, Push Button, Connector, and Test Points Descriptions
    2. 5.2 Jumper Configuration
  8. 6Schematics
    1. 6.1 Main Schematic
    2. 6.2 Sub Schematic – Input Circuit
    3. 6.3 Sub Schematic – Auxiliary Power
    4. 6.4 Sub Schematic – I2C Peripherals
    5. 6.5 Sub Schematic – TPS55288-Q1
    6. 6.6 Sub Schematic – HUB
    7. 6.7 Sub Schematic – TIVA
    8. 6.8 Sub Schematic – ESD
  9. 7 Board Views and Layout Prints
  10. 8Bill of Materials

Sub Schematic – Input Circuit

This schematic is U_TPS25772Q1_A_Input sub-schematic of the main schematic. Figure 6-4 shows the input circuit. TPS25762Q1EVM-146, TPS25772Q1EVM-149, and TPS25772Q1EVM-150 have same input circuit.

Figure 6-4 Input Circuit