SLVUC09 September   2021


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Background
    2. 1.2 Performance Specification
    3. 1.3 Modifications
      1. 1.3.1 IC U1 Operation
      2. 1.3.2 Device Enable Evaluation
  3. 2Setup
    1. 2.1 Input/Output Connector and Header Descriptions
    2. 2.2 Setup
  4. 3Board Layout
    1. 3.1 Layout
  5. 4Schematic and Bill of Materials
    1. 4.1 Schematic
    2. 4.2 Bill of Materials

Input/Output Connector and Header Descriptions

    J1, Pin 1 and 2 – VIN Positive input connection from the input supply for the EVM
    J1, Pin 3 and 4 – S+/S– Input Voltage sense connections. Measure the input voltage at this point.
    J1, Pin 5 and 6 – GND VIN GND return connection from the input supply for the EVM, common with J2, pin 5 and 6
    J2, Pin 1 and 2 – VOUT Output voltage connection
    J2, Pin 3 and 4 – S+/S– VOUT Output voltage connection
    J2, Pin 5 and 6 – GND VOUT GND return connection for the output voltage, common with J1 pin 5 and 6
    J3 – Enable Shorting the jumper between the center pin EN and HIGH turns on the unit. Shorting the jumper between the center EN and LOW turns the unit off.
    J4 – MODE Shorting the jumper between the center pin MODE and LOW enables automatic transition to power-saving mode at light-load currents as described in the data sheet. Shorting the jumper between the center pin MODE and HIGH enables forced PWM mode.