J3, Pin 1 and 2 – VINPositive input connection from the input supply for the EVM.
J3, Pin 3 and 4 – S+/S-Input voltage sense connections. Measure the input voltage at this point.
J3, Pin 5 and 6 – GNDReturn connection from the input supply for the EVM.
J8, Pin 1 and 2 – GNDOutput return connection
J8, Pin 3 and 4 – S+/S-Output voltage sense connections. Measure the output voltage at this point.
J8, Pin 5 and 6 – VOUT_FILTFiltered output connection.
J7 – SYS_PG/GNDThe SYS_PG output is on pin 1 of this header with a convenient ground on pin 2.
J6 - VCC/GNDThe VCC source connection for the PG pull-up with a convenient ground on pin 2. This externally supplied voltage should be less than 18 V + VOUT.
J4 – PREFILT_VOUT Ripple MeasurementUse this SMA connector to measure the output voltage ripple before the second LC filter.
J5 – VOUT_FILT Ripple MeasurementUse this SMA connector to measure the output voltage ripple after the second LC filter.
J2 – ENEN pin input jumper. Place the supplied jumper across VIN and EN to turn on the IC. Place the jumper across GND and EN to turn off the IC. The synchronization function is not supported in this IBB Configuration.
J1 – S-CONFS-CONF pin input jumper. Place the supplied jumper across 2.2 MHz and S-CONF to operate the IC with a 2.2-MHz switching frequency without spread spectrum or output discharge. Place the jumper across 1 MHz and S-CONF to operate the IC with a 1-MHz switching frequency without spread spectrum or output discharge. Remove the jumper to operate the IC with the S-CONF settings set by R1.
Set the J1 jumper position before enabling the IC. Changing J1 after enabling the IC has no effect.
When using the 2.2-MHz setting, ensure that the input voltage and output voltage do not violate the minimum on-time in the device data sheet.