SLVUCH1A June   2022  – December 2022 TPS1641


  1.   TPS1641EVM: Evaluation Module for eFuse TPS1641
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 EVM Features
    2. 1.2 EVM Applications
  4. 2Description
  5. 3Schematic
  6. 4General Configurations
    1. 4.1 Physical Access
    2. 4.2 Test Equipment and Setup
      1. 4.2.1 Power Supplies
      2. 4.2.2 Meters
      3. 4.2.3 Oscilloscope
      4. 4.2.4 Loads
  7. 5Test Setup and Procedures
    1. 5.1 Hot-Plug Test
    2. 5.2 Power Limit Test
    3. 5.3 Current Limit Test
    4. 5.4 Overvoltage Protection Test
    5. 5.5 Output Hot-Short Test
    6. 5.6 IN to OUT Short Detection Test
  8. 6EVAL Board Assembly Drawings
    1. 6.1 PCB Drawings
  9. 7Bill of Materials (BOM)
  10. 8Revision History

Hot-Plug Test

Use the following instructions to measure the inrush current on CH1 during Hot-Plug event:

  1. For checking inrush current control capability, insert load capacitance of 470 uF at output terminal T2

  2. Make J3 OPEN.

  3. Change Cdvdt capacitor C2 to 150 nF.
  4. Set the input supply voltage VIN to 12 V and current limit of 2 A. Enable the power supply.
  5. Hot-plug the supply at input terminal T1.
  6. Observe the waveform at VOUT1 (TP2) with an oscilloscope to measure the slew rate and rise time of the eFuse with a given input voltage of 12 V.

Figure 5-2 shows an example of inrush current profile captured on the TPS1641EVM Evaluation Board.

Figure 5-2 CH1 Output Rise Profile (VIN = 12 V, CdVdT = 150 nF, COUT = 470 uF, No Load)