Use the following instructions to verify overvoltage response of TPS16412 on CH2:
Make J10 OPEN.
- Short Q1 with a cable to bypass the external PFET.
- Set the input supply voltage VIN to 24 V and current limit of 2 A. Apply the
supply at input terminal T3 and enable the power supply.
- Increase the input supply VIN from 24 V to 40 V and observe the response as
shown in Figure 5-5.
- Now, disable the supply.
- Remove the short across Q1 to enage external PFET
in the circuit.
- Enable the power supply.
- Increase the input supply VIN from 24 V to 60 V and observe the response as
shown in Figure 5-6.
Figure 5-5 Overvoltage Protection Response for IN Voltage
from 24 V to 40 V
Figure 5-6 Overvoltage Protection Response with External
PFET for IN Voltage from 24 V to 60 V