To setup the software configuration,
follow the instructions below.
- Open the Application Customization Tool and select one of
the following TPS25751D + BQ configuration below.
- Fill out the questionnaire
from Q2 to Q10, refer to Section 3.3.3 for more details on each question configuration. All the questions must
be filled out to flash/export.
- Questions 11 through 18 are
for Battery Charger (BQ) Configurations.
- For Question 11, select
- For Question 12, select the
INDPM configuration for the BQ25756(E).
- For example, if the
user selects "5% - INDPM is set to 5% above the negotiated PD
Contract Current" and TPS25751 negotiates a PD contract at 3A, then
the INDPM is set to 3.15A.
- This questionnaire
configures register 0x06 - IAC_DPM of BQ25756(E).
- For Question 13, select the
VINDPM configuration for the BQ25756(E).
- For example, if the
user selects "5% - VINDPM is set to 5% below the negotiated PD
Contract Voltage" and TPS25751 negotiates a PD contract at 5V, the
VINDPM is set to 4.75V.
- This questionnaire
configures register 0x08 - VAC_DPM of BQ25756(E).
- For question 14, enter the FB
Voltage Regulation Limit in units of Voltage (1.504V through 1.566V,
- This questionnaire
configures register 0x00 - VFB_REG of BQ25756(E).
- For question 15, enter the
Charge Current Limit in units of Ampere (0.4A through 20A, 50mA/bit)
- This questionnaire
configures register 0x02 - ICHG_REG of BQ25756(E).
- For question 16, enter the
Charge Termination Current Limit in units of Ampere (0.25A through 10A,
- This questionnaire
configures register 0x12 - ITERM of BQ25756(E).
- For question 17, enter the
Precharge Current Limit in units of Ampere (0.25A through 10A, 50mA/bit).
- This questionnaire
configures register 0x10 - IPRECHG of BQ25756(E).
- For question 18, enter the
Dead Battery Clear Threshold in units of Voltage (2.88V through 19.2V,
- This questionnaire
configures register 0x27 - Global System Configuration of TPS25751
and set "Enable Dead Battery Clear [111]" to '1'.
- Upon boot-up from
dead battery mode (TPS25751 receives power from VBUS first instead
of VIN_3V3), TPS25751 reads register 0x33 - VBAT_ADC of BQ25756.
- If VBAT voltage is
greater or higher than set threshold in Q18, then TPS25751
automatically clear the dead battery flag, otherwise the dead
battery flag remains. Refer to the TPS25751
Technical Reference Manual for details.
- Refer to Section 3.3.6 for flashing the configuration or exporting the binary.