In applications such as phase array antenna where the phases of multiple synthesizers must be aligned, it would be beneficial if each synthesizer can phase-align its output and input without complex and time-precision circuitry. The LMX2820 is one of the RF synthesizers in TI's product portfolio that can support phase synchronization.
In this user's guide, we will explain the theory of phase synchronization, the limitations of phase synchronization, and demonstrate how to set up synchronization in a step-by-step guide.
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Phase synchronization of the LMX2820 means that the delay from the rising edge of the reference clock signal to the output signal is deterministic. If multiple LMX2820 devices share the same reference clock, it is possible to have all the outputs from LMX2820 devices phase-aligned. Depending on the input and output signal frequencies, a SYNC signal may be necessary to assist phase synchronization.
Initially, the LMX2820 devices are locked to the input reference clock (fOSCIN), but are not synchronized. The user sends a synchronization pulse that is reclocked to the next rising edge of fOSCIN. After a certain time (known as t1), the phase relationship from fOSCIN to fOUT will be deterministic. t1 is dominated by the sum of the VCO calibration time, the analog setting time of the PLL loop, and the register MASH_RST_COUNT, if used in fractional mode. t2 is the deterministic delay between fOSCIN and fOUT after synchronization.
The requirements for phase synchronization depend on certain LMX2820 setup conditions. To use phase synchronization, first determine the SYNC category using the flow chart below.
For Category 1 SYNC, there is no restriction at all. We do not need to enable SYNC mode (that is, we can keep register PHASE_SYNC_EN = 0). A SYNC signal is also not required.
In Category 2 SYNC, we must make PHASE_SYNC_EN = 1 and provide a SYNC signal to LMX2820. The SYNC signal is not time-critical, therefore a Low-to-High transition at the PSYNC pin is good enough.
When the LMX2820 configuration falls into Category 3 SYNC, we need both PHASE_SYNC_EN = 1 as well as a time-critical SYNC pulse. The setup and hold time of the SYNC pulse as specified in the data sheet must obey.
From the data sheet, the minimum tCS and tCH is 2.5 ns and 2 ns, respectively. Furthermore, the maximum fOSCIN is restricted to 200 MHz.
A reliable phase synchronization is not possible if the configuration of LMX2820 does not fall into the above categories.
In the following sections, we can see how to synchronize the outputs from two LMX2820 devices. Below is the block diagram of the test setup.
The LMK04832 is operated in Single Loop Mode. That is, PLL1 is not used. PLL2 takes the 100-MHz input clock to lock the VCO. Output from the VCO is divided down to 100 MHz, which is used as the reference clock of the LMX2820. SYSREF of the LMK04832 is used to generate a time-critical SYNC pulse for Category 3 SYNC.
The LMK04832 is able to phase align all of the output clocks. All the clocks and SYNC pulses are phase-aligned before feeding them to the LMX2820 devices.
The output channel-to-channel skew of the LMK04832 is around 100 ps. As such, the two 100-MHz clocks are not exactly in phase. This skew is eventually carried forward to the output of the LMX2820 devices. For better illustration purpose, the data in the following sections has this skew written off.
The following is a Category 1 SYNC configuration, because:
With this configuration, the outputs are in phase after programming the LMX2820 devices. The output phases remain constant if:
Below is another Category 1 SYNC configuration example. This configuration has enabled the Doubler:
If only one of the LMX2820 devices has the Doubler enabled, although both configurations are Category 1 SYNC, the Doubler introduces addition delay in the input path. This delay is carried forward to the output. As a consequence, the phases of the LMX2820 outputs are not exactly in phase. To get exact phase match between multiple LMX2820 devices, the configurations should be identical.
According to the SYNC category flow chart, there are two possible paths that a configuration can fall into Category 2 SYNC.
The above configuration is a Category 2 SYNC, because:
With the channel divider set to divide by 2, there are two possible output phases: 0° or 180° (read the application note in Section 5 for details). In other words, every time we setup the test, we have a 50% chance that both LMX2820 devices are phase-aligned.
To get both LMX2820 devices phase synchronized, first we must put both devices in SYNC mode and set PHASE_SYNC_EN = 1. We require a SYNC pulse to trigger phase synchronization, therefore set INPIN_IGNORE = 0 to activate the PSYNC input pin (pin 5). The timing of the SYNC pulse is not important. As long as there is a Low-to-High transition at PSYNC pin, the synchronization process is executed. If we are using TICS Pro and USB2ANY to control the LMX2820 EVM, we can press the Toggle PSYNC pin button once and the USB2ANY will set the PSYNC pin from Low to High and then High to Low.
Below is another Category 2 SYNC example. This time, the output frequency is smaller than the reference clock frequency:
The output is heavily divided down to 50 MHz, therefore there are many possible phase relationships between the two LMX2820 devices.
Again, a non-timing critical SYNC pulse is required to get the outputs synchronized.
In Category 2 SYNC, the LMX2820 devices must be synchronized again if:
When the LMX2820 configuration comes to a fractional channel, the category of SYNC is likely 3, if not 4.
Similar to Category 2 SYNC, we must put the LMX2820 in SYNC mode (set PHASY_SYNC_EN = 1) and activate the PSYNC pin (set INPIN_IGNORE = 0). Furthermore, we also must "reserve" some delay time for the synchronization engine to align phase. This delay time, as defined in register MASH_RST_COUNT, must be sufficiently large or otherwise the synchronization engine is not able to complete phase alignment before time out. Delay time = MASH_RST_COUNT × 2CAL_CLK_DIV / fOSCIN. A 500-µs delay time is recommended. This is not an absolute wait time that adds to the total time taken for phase synchronization (t1 in Figure 1-1). Depending on the LMX2820 configuration, the phase synchronization engine may actually require a 100-µs or 200-µs delay time, for example. That would mean t1 is 100 µs shorter if, for a certain configuration, the phase synchronization engine only requires a 100-µs instead of a 200-µs delay time.
As for the SYNC pulse, this example requires a time-critical SYNC pulse to phase synchronize the LMX2820 devices. We cannot use the Toggle PSYNC pin button in TICS Pro anymore.
The LMK04832 device in Figure 3-1 is used to generate the time-critical SYNC pulse.
After synchronization with a time-critical SYNC pulse, both LMX2820 outputs are in phase again.
As a reminder, toggling the POWERDOWN bit, a RESET, or a VCO calibration requires re-synchronization with a time-critical SYNC pulse.
The LMX2820 supports faster VCO frequency switching without a VCO calibration. This can be implemented manually (like in full-assist mode) or automatically (Instant Calibration). When the LMX2820 operates in these modes, phase synchronization is still supported with a slightly different behavior or with some additional requirements.
Category 1 SYNC:
Category 2 and 3 SYNC:
When both outputs are used and the frequencies are not identical, the category of SYNC on each output can be different. Provide the appropriate SYNC pulse according to the highest SYNC category output.
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