SNLA431 January 2024 DP83TC812R-Q1 , DP83TC812S-Q1
If register read and write is successful, this section can be skipped.
If register read and write is unsuccessful, probe the MDC signal (pin 1) to maintain that there is a ≤20Mhz clock signal being sourced from the MAC. Additionally, the MDIO signal (pin 36) can be decoded using a logic analyzer as shown below.
Note, to access extended registers (those beyond 0x1F), the procedure given in section 8.4.15 of the data sheet must be used.
SMI Protocol |
<idle><start><op code><device addr><reg addr><turnaround><data><idle> |
Read Register |
<idle><01><10><AAAAA><RRRRR><Z0><XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX><idle> |
Write Register |
<idle><01><01><AAAAA><RRRRR><10><XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX><idle> |