These functions will perform reads and writes only for the I2C assigned to board.devAddr, which by default will be the detected address for the DS90UB954-Q1.
board.ReadReg(Register Address , # of Bytes) OR board.ReadReg(Register Address)I2C Read Command- Accepts both hex & decimal inputs
- Number of bytes will default to 1 if omitted
- Ex: board.ReadReg(0x00) will return the value in Register 0 for the local device
board.WriteReg(Register Address , Data)I2C Write Command- Accepts both hex & decimal inputs
- Ex: board.WriteReg(0x01, 0x01) will set Register 0 to have a value of 1
board.devAddr = [I2C Address]Assigns I2C address to be used for board.ReadReg and board.WriteReg commands- Accepts both hex & decimal inputs
- Uses the 8-bit form of the I2C address
- Can be used to shorten read/write commands
- Ex: board.devAddress = 0x60 sets the board address to 0x60