SNOAA65 December   2020 TLV9022


  1.   Introduction
  2.   Design Process
    1.     Voltage Regulation
    2.     Undervoltage Protection With Hysteresis
    3.     Overcurrent Protection
    4.     Final Considerations
    5.     Simulation Results
  3.   Design References
  4.   Design Featured Comparator
  5.   Design Alternate Comparator

Voltage Regulation

Since the intended use of the comparator outputs is to input them into a microcontroller, the desired reference voltage is approximately 3.3-V. The image below illustrates the circuit configuration for the TL431 device. Using the standard 1% resistor values shown, the voltage seen at the output of the TLV431 is 3.29-V. For the design process, see the TL431 / TL432 Precision Programmable Reference Data Sheet.

GUID-20201215-CA0I-2XBL-N4VP-WXXPZ3VJ5GSD-low.svgTL431 3.29-V Reference