To verify the startup behavior, connect the
oscilloscope to the evaluation module:
- Channel 1 - Input Voltage (Test Point Label VIN)
- Channel 2 - Output Voltage (Test Point Label VOUT)
- Channel 3 - GATE Voltage (Test Point Label GATE)
- Channel 4 - PD Voltage (Test Point Label PD)
Set the load to 200 mA, trigger to Channel 1 rising, and turn ON the power
supply. Startup behavior of LM74721EVM is captured in
Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2 Power Up: GATE and PD
Figure 5-3 Power Up: Charge Pump and Inrush CurrentAdditional startup information is captured in
Figure 5-3. Channel 3
captures the internal boost converter output voltage VCAP pin during startup.