SNOU193 May 2022 TLV3602
R12 and R14 are known as attenuation resistors, and they are used to attenuate the output by setting the top half of a voltage divider circuit, with the bottom half supplied by the load, such as an oscilloscope’s internal termination. It is not advisable to populate these pads with a low value resistor as the TLV3602 outputs are not intended to drive a 50 Ω load; the amount of current sourced would be significant. A 1 kΩ resistor is recommended for this footprint which, coupled with a scope's internal 50 Ω termination creates an attenuation factor of 21:1 which can be rectified using oscilloscope settings. A high speed probe may be used for measurement of the output, but rise and fall times may be limited.