SNOU193 May   2022 TLV3602


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Introduction
  3. 2Features
  4. 3EVM Specifications
    1. 3.1 Recommended Equipment
  5. 4Quick Start Procedure
  6. 5Board Setup
    1. 5.1 Supply Voltage
    2. 5.2 Inputs
    3. 5.3 Outputs
    4. 5.4 Hysteresis
  7. 6Layout Guidelines
  8. 7Schematic
  9. 8Bill of Materials

Quick Start Procedure


The following connections are made using a split supply configuration. Split supply configuration is advantageous for measurement purposes. The reference voltage can be set to GND, while the other input can be set to an AC waveform that toggles between negative and positive voltage at a 0-DC offset. Thus, the output will be toggling whenever the AC waveform crosses 0 V.

This configuration allows for 2 distinct advantages compared to a single supply input. The first advantage is that the reference voltage is at GND; a non-noisy voltage level. If the reference voltage level needs to be changed in relation to the supplies, the supply voltages can be altered instead. The second advantage being able to zoom into the input as much as possible due to the 0 DC offset of the waveform.

Below are the procedures for making a propagation delay measurement using channel A.

  1. Set power supply positive terminal to 2.5 V and negative terminal to -2.5 V. Disable power supply output.
  2. Connect positive terminal supply to TP1, negative terminal to TP2, and GND to TP3 or TP4.
  3. Ensure that cables connecting to INA+SENSE and OUTA are matched length and impedance. Perform any deskewing if necessary.
  4. Set the function generator to produce a square wave output with 100 m Vpp at 1 MHz, with a DC offset of 0 V. Disable the signal generator output. Connect the output to IN+.
  5. Connect IN- to GND through an SMA 50 Ω termination barrel.
  6. Connect OUTA to a 50 Ω terminated scope channel.
  7. Connect IN+SENSE to a 50 Ω terminated scope channel.
  8. Enable the power supply and the signal generator.
  9. Verify the total supply current is < 50 mA.
  10. Monitor and verify the input from INA+SENSE.
  11. Monitor and verify OUTA.
Figure 4-1 TLV3602EVM Quick Start Setup

Figure 4-2 and Figure 4-3 are screen captures of the inputs and outputs described in the quick start procedure. Here, the propagation delay between IN+ and OUT is measured by taking the time delta between when IN+ and OUT reach 50% of their respective transitions. The low to high propagation delay in Figure 4-2 was calculated to be 2.184 ns while the high to low propagation delay in Figure 4-3 was measured to be 2.155 ns.

Figure 4-2 Propagation Delay Rise Portion
Figure 4-3 Propagation Delay Fall Portion