PowerPAD is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Always follow TI’s set-up and application instructions, including use of all interface components within their recommended electrical rated voltage and power limits. Always use electrical safety precautions to help ensure your personal safety and the safety of those working around you. Contact TI’s Product Information Center http://support.ti.com for further information.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
Failure to follow warnings and instructions may result in personal injury, property damage, or death due to electrical shock and/or burn hazards.
The term TI HV EVM refers to an electronic device typically provided as an open framed, unenclosed printed-circuit board assembly. It is intended strictly for use in development laboratory environments, solely for qualified professional users having training, expertise, and knowledge of electrical safety risks in development and application of high-voltage electrical circuits. Any other use and/or application are strictly prohibited by Texas Instruments. If you are not suitably qualified, you should immediately stop from further use of the HV EVM.
As a precautionary measure, it is always a good engineering practice to assume that the entire EVM may have fully accessible and active high voltages.
Safety and Precautions
The EVM is designed for professionals who have received the appropriate technical training, and is designed to operate from an AC power supply or a high-voltage DC supply. Please read this user guide and the safety-related documents that come with the EVM package before operating this EVM.
Do not leave the EVM powered when unattended.
Hot surface! Contact may cause burns. Do not touch! A fan should be utilized if full-power operation is done. The EVM was constructed to highlight the small solutize size and as a result, is not as thermally optimized as typical application PCB.
High Voltage! Electric shock is possible when connecting board to live wire. Board should be handled with care by a professional.
For safety, use of isolated test equipment with overvoltage and overcurrent protection is highly recommended.
The LM5013-Q1 step-down switching converter features all the functions needed to implement a low-cost, high-efficiency buck regulator capable of supplying 3.5-A load current. An adaptive constant on-time (COT) control scheme and PFM at light loads enables low standby current. Various features incorporated for enhanced reliability and safety include cycle-by-cycle peak current limit, thermal shutdown protection, internal output voltage soft-start timer, precision enable , and an open-drain PGOOD indicator for sequencing and fault reporting.
Figure 2-1 shows the pin configuration of the LM5013-Q1. Figure 2-2 presents the regulator schematic for quick reference.