The LP87745-Q1 device is designed to meet the power management requirements of the AWR and IWR MMICs in various automotive and industrial radar applications. The device has three step-down DC/DC converters, a 5 V boost converter and a 1.8 V/3.3 V LDO. The LDO is powered from the boost and intended for xWR and peripheral devices IO supply. The device is controlled by an SPI serial interface and by enable signal. The step-down DC/DC converters support programmable switching frequency of 17.6 MHz, 8.8 MHz or 4.4 MHz and have low noise across wide frequency range which enables LDO-free power solution with minimal or no additional passive filtering. LP87745-Q1 device offers flexible external component selection to optimize the solution in terms of performance or cost. The features of the device target safety-relevant applications with system-safety requirements up to ASIL-C level.
This user's guide provides instructions to power up and evaluate LP87745-Q1 device using the LP877451Q1EVM evaluation module (EVM) and software user interface (LP87745-Q1 GUI). By default LP877451Q1EVM has LP877451A1RXVRQ1 device OTP version (17.6 MHz, Low noise use case BOM), but this EVM can also be used to evaluate another OTP device from LP8774x-Q1 product family.
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Figure 1-1 shows the top-view diagram of the EVM along with basic connections. By default, EVM is configured to power up through VBAT supply through onboard 12 V VIN to 3.3 V VOUT pre-regulator. EVM can also be powered through external 3.3 V supply or through USB port. Please refer to Table 3-2 for the right jumper configuration for each power-supply input.
LP87745-Q1 device works with 3.3 V input supply and supply is internally monitored for undervoltage (UV) and overvoltage (OV) conditions and hence keep the input supply voltage within 3.3 V +/- 8 % to avoid input supply UV/OV detection. Input power plane to the PMIC has option for additional filtering using L1 and L2 on the bottom side of the PCB.
Table 2-1 lists the input and output voltage for each regulator and their maximum load-current requirements. Refer LP87745-Q1 device data sheet for more information about device electrical characteristics and its features.
Regulator Name | Input Supply Voltage at PMIC Supply Pin | Output Voltage | Maximum Load Current | |
BUCK1 | 3.04 V - 3.56 V | 1.8 V | 3 A | |
BUCK2 | 3.04 V - 3.56 V | 1.0 V | 3 A | |
BUCK3 | 3.04 V - 3.56 V | 1.2 V | 3 A | |
BOOST | 3.04 V - 3.56 V | 5 V | 0.3 A | |
VIO_LDO | 5 V (Generated from BOOST) | 3.3 V | 0.150 A |
If all the regulators are loaded with maximum load current simultaneously, PMIC and PCB can become hot. Make sure that PMIC junction temperature does not exceed 150 °C.
LP877451Q1EVM has many terminal blocks, jumpers and test points to offer certain flexibility to help users to verify the EVM according to their application conditions. However, the EVM is pre-configured with default jumper settings and users can power up the regulators without the need of jumper modifications. Setting these jumpers correctly for the correct function of the EVM is important. Table 3-1 lists all the terminal blocks on the EVM and Table 3-2 lists the jumpers and their functionality. All the terminal blocks are marked with polarity and Pin 1 of test points / jumpers are marked with white dot for identification purpose. To understand more about the jumper functionality, see the schematic diagrams in Section 6.1.
Terminal Block Number | Terminal Block Name | Description |
J1 | VIN 3.3V | 3.3 V External Input Voltage |
J17 | VIO_LDO | Terminal block for VIO_LDO Output |
J18 | BOOST | Terminal block for BOOST Output |
J24 | BUCK1 | Terminal block for BUCK1 Output |
J25 | BUCK3 | Terminal block for BUCK3 Output |
J26 | BUCK2 | Terminal block for BUCK2 Output |
J30 | J30 | USB Connector |
J33 | VBAT | 5 V - 20 V Input |
Jumper/Connector Number | Jumper/Connector Name | Configuration | Description |
J2 | WD_DIS | Closed (Default) | Pull down resistor in CS_SPI pin enabled which will disable Q&A watchdog during the PMIC power up. For this to be effective, USB cable should not be connected to the EVM when the PMIC is powered up. If USB cable is connected before PMIC is powered up, USB MCU will drive this pin high (through CS_SPI_WD at J15) during the startup |
Open | Q&A watchdog not disabled during the PMIC power up | ||
J3 | EN_PVIN_3V3 | Closed (Default) | Connects PMIC ENABLE pin to PVIN_Bx pins (PVIN_3V3) through a pull up resistor and device gets enabled as soon as 3.3 V is generated/applied |
Open | If PMIC needs to be enabled through USB/GUI or through pre-regulator PGOOD signal, then this jumper must be kept open | ||
J4 | PVIN_3V3 | Option 1: Pins 1/3 and 2/4 3V3_PREREG (Default) |
PVIN_3V3 connected to preregulator output. J4-Option-2 must be open and J5 must be open. |
Option 2: Pins 5/7 and 6/8 3V3_PS |
PVIN_3V3 connected to external 3.3V supply (J1). J4-Option-1 must be open and J5 must be open. |
J5 | 3V3_USB | Open (Default) | Either option from J4 must be used. |
Closed |
PMIC input supply (PVIN_3V3) is generated from USB supply. J4 jumpers must be open if this jumper is closed. |
J6 | EN_LVPMIC | Option 1: Open (Default) | PMIC Enable signal from 3.3 V Input. J3 must be closed |
Option 2: Pins 1 and 2 | PMIC Enable signal path from GUI interface. J3 must be open if this Option is used | ||
Option 3: Pins 2 and 3 | PMIC Enable signal path from pre-regulator PGOOD signal. J3 must be open if this Option is used | ||
J8 | VIO_SEL | Pins 1 and 2 | 3.3 V supply generated from USB supply |
Pins 2 and 3 (Default) | 3.3 V VIO supply generated from PMIC VIO_LDO | ||
J9 | SYNCCLKIN | Pins 1 and 2 | SYNCCLKIN pin connected to MCU clock port (used for testing external clock input signal) |
J10 | VMON1_SEL | Pins 1 and 2 (Default: open) | VMON1 reference voltage generated from voltage divider on VIO supply |
Pins 2 and 3 (Default: open) | VMON1 voltage taken from BUCK1 (1.8 V) output | ||
J12 | nRSTOUT | Pins 1 and 2 (Default) | Connects PMIC nRSTOUT signal to MCU port directly |
Pins 2 and 3 | Connects PMIC nRSTOUT signal to MCU port through level shifter (series resistors must be mounted if this option is used) | ||
J13 | VMON1_GPO1 | Pins 1 and 2 (Default: open) | Connects PMIC VMON1 signal to MCU port directly |
Pins 2 and 3 (Default: open) | Connects PMIC VMON1 signal to MCU port through level shifter (series resistors must be mounted if this option is used) | ||
J14 | nINT | Pins 1 and 2 (Default) | Connects PMIC nINT signal to MCU port directly |
Pins 2 and 3 | Connects PMIC nINT signal to MCU port through level shifter (series resistors must be mounted if this option is used) | ||
J15 | SCLK_SPI | Pins 1 and 2 (Default) | Connects PMIC SCLK_SPI signal to MCU SCLK_SPI port directly |
Pins 2 and 3 | Connects PMIC SCLK_SPI signal to MCU SCLK_SPI port through a level shifter (series resistors need to be mounted if this option is used) | ||
SDO_SPI | Pins 1 and 2 (Default) | Connects PMIC SDO_SPI signal to MCU SDO_SPI port directly | |
Pins 2 and 3 | Connects PMIC SDO_SPI signal to MCU SDO_SPI port through a level shifter (series resistors need to be mounted if this option is used) | ||
CS_SPI_WD | Pins 1 and 2 (Default) | Connects PMIC CS_SPI signal to MCU CS_SPI port directly | |
Pins 2 and 3 | Connects PMIC CS_SPI signal to MCU CS_SPI port through a level shifter (series resistors must be mounted if this option is used) | ||
SDI_SPI | Pins 1 and 2 (Default) | Connects PMIC SDI_SPI signal to MCU SDI_SPI port directly | |
Pins 2 and 3 | Connects PMIC SDI_SPI signal to MCU SDI_SPI port through a level shifter (series resistors need to be mounted if this option is used) | ||
J16 | nERR_GPO2 | Pins 1 and 2 (Default) | Connects PMIC nERR_GPO signal to MCU port directly |
Pins 2 and 3 | Connects PMIC nERR_GPO2 signal to MCU port through level shifter (series resistors must be mounted if this option is used) |
Table 3-3 lists all the available connectors on the EVM.
Connector Number | Connector Name | Description |
J11 | PVIN3V3_S | Test point to measure the input voltage of the PMIC |
J19 | Load Module Connector | Connector placeholder for PMICLOADBOARDEVM for doing load transient testing |
J20 | Load Module Connector | Connector placeholder for PMICLOADBOARDEVM for doing load transient testing |
J21 | FB_B1 | Test point to measure the BUCK1 feedback signal |
J22 | FB_B2 | Test point to measure the BUCK2 feedback signal |
J23 | FB_B3 | Test point to measure the BUCK3 feedback signal |
J27 | J27 | SMA connector for BUCK3 noise measurement |
J28 | J28 | SMA connector for BUCK2 noise measurement |
J29 | J29 | SMA connector for BUCK1 noise measurement |
J31 | USB_5V_S | Test point to measure 5 V supply from USB cable |
In its default configuration, connecting +12 V and GND to the VBAT terminal block (J33) will power up the EVM. While loading the regulators, ensure that input power supply has sufficient current source capabilities to avoid supply voltage collapse due to current limiting.
EVM can also be powered through external 3.3 V input supply or through USB power by modifying jumper settings on the EVM. Table 4-1 describes the jumper settings for different supply options.
Power Source | Input Voltage Range | Jumpers |
VBAT | 5 V - 20 V | Both 3V3_PREREG jumpers in J4 (Default option). Leave J5 open. |
Vin 3.3V | 3.1 V - 3.5 V | Remove 3V3_PREREG jumpers on J4 and place them on 3V3_PS position on J4. With this configuration, do not apply power to VBAT terminal. Leave J5 open. |
USB | 5 V USB cable | J5, 3V3_USB. With this option, jumpers on J4 must be removed. |
The LP877451Q1EVM does not require any specific power-down sequence. The EVM can be powered down by turning off the power supply or by toggling the EN Pin off in the GUI, if the GUI control signal is used to enable/disable the device. Refer to Table 3-2 and GUI section for more information about configuring jumpers and using GUI.
Texas Instruments provides a simple to use LP87745-Q1 GUI tool to enable, configure, and evaluate the various features of the LP87745-Q1 device on the EVM. Please refer to the GUI file in the GUI tool's Help->View tab for a more detailed description of this tool.
The GUI will run on most PC platforms and requires a USB port for connecting the EVM to the host computer. The EVM USB connector is type-C and a type-A to type-C cable is provided along with the EVM to connect to the host computer. EVM will get automatically connected to the GUI after the USB cable is connected and manual assignment of COM port is not necessary. If Hardware not Connected displays on the bottom left of the GUI, clicking Click to connect to hardware icon next to it will re-establish the connection. The GUI uses the ACCtrl COM port which can be found from the device manager of the operating system.
The GUI can be found here and it can be run in browser or it can be installed to the computer. Figure 4-1 shows the default interface of GUI. Please refer to the file in the GUI tool for a complete guide on how to use the tool.
The EVM can be configured in the configuration page shown in Figure 4-2. By default, all the configuration registers are locked and CRC protected. Clicking the Unlock registers check box on the Configuration Page will automatically write REGISTER_LOCK_STATUS =0x9B to unlock the configuration registers for write operation. CRC can be disabled by writing CONFIG_CRC_EN = 0h through Console window (Options → Show Console) or GUI Register Map Page. For example, output voltages, startup and shutdown delays and peak current limits can be changed for each buck converter.
In the register map page shown in Figure 4-3, registers can be read or written to.
This section provides the basic overview of the SPI based Q&A watchdog algorithm implemented on the EVM. Please refer LP87745-Q1 device data sheet for more detailed information about device watchdog functionality. This watchdog requires specific SPI messages from the host MCU in specific time intervals to detect correct operation of the MCU. On the EVM, MSP432 MCU is used as a host MCU.
During operation, the device provides a 4-bit question for the MCU and the MCU calculates the required 32-bit answer. This answer is split into four answer bytes: Answer-3, Answer-2, Answer-1 and Answer-0. The MCU writes these answer bytes one byte at a time into WD_ANSWER[7:0] from the SPI interface.
A good event occurs when the MCU sends the correct answer-bytes calculated for the current question in the correct watchdog window and in the correct sequence. This sequence is visualized in Figure 5-1
A bad event occurs when one of the events that follows occur:
In GUI, there are two sections in configuration tab for watchdog configurability. Figure 5-2 illustrates the watchdog validation section in GUI, where the delays between the WD Answers can be configured and watchdog status for different interrupts and errors can be observed. And if required status can be cleared through clear buttons available next to the each status. In the other watchdog configuration section, watchdog can be enabled or disabled along with other watchdog configurable parameters as shown in Figure 5-3. For further information on watchdog configuration, refer to the data sheet of LP8774x-Q1 for watchdog section.
This section contains the schematics, layout and the bill of materials for the LP87745Q1EVM.
This section includes images of the EVM schematics and different layers of the layout.
Table 6-1 lists all the components on the EVM.
Designator | Quantity | Description | PartNumber | Manufacturer |
!PCB1 | 1 | Printed Circuit Board | BMC083 | Any |
C1, C17, C56, C57, C58, C76, C81, C83, C84, C86, C93, C94 | 12 | CAP, CERM, 0.1 uF, 16 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0402 | GCM155R71C104KA55D | MuRata |
C2 | 1 | CAP, Polymer Hybrid, 100 uF, 25 V, +/- 20%, 30 ohm, 6.3x7.7 SMD | EEHZC1E101XP | Panasonic |
C3, C4 | 2 | CAP, CERM, 22 uF, 10 V, +/- 10%, X7R, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 1206 | GCM31CR71A226KE02L | MuRata |
C5, C14, C22, C23, C24 | 5 | CAP, CERM, 0.22 µF, 16 V,+/- 10%, X7R, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 0402 | GCM155R71C224KE02D | MuRata |
C6, C8, C9, C25, C37, C68, C87, C89, C91 | 9 | CAP, CERM, 10 uF, 10 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0805 | GCM21BR71A106KE22L | MuRata |
C7, C11, C12, C16, C21, C26, C27, C28, C29 | 9 | Cap Ceramic Multilayer 4.7uF 6.3V DC 10% SMD Paper T/R | GCJ188C70J475KE02J | Murata |
C10, C13, C34, C35, C36, C38, C39, C40, C41, C42, C43, C117 | 12 | CAP, CERM, 22 µF, 6.3 V,+/- 20%, X7T, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 0805 | CGA4J1X7T0J226M | TDK |
C15, C18 | 2 | CAP, CERM, 2.2 µF, 6.3 V,+/- 10%, X7R, 0603 | GCM188R70J225KE22J | MuRata |
C19, C20, C59, C60, C61 | 5 | 3 Terminals Low ESL Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive | NFM18HC105C1C3D | Murata |
C30, C31, C32, C44, C45, C46, C47, C48, C49, C65, C66, C67 | 12 | Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive | GCM188D70J106ME36D | Murata |
C33, C88, C90, C92 | 4 | CAP, CERM, 10 uF, 16 V, +/- 10%, X7S, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 0805 | CGA4J1X7S1C106K125AC | TDK |
C50, C51, C52, C107, C112 | 5 | CAP CER 0603 1UF 10V X7R 10% | C0603C105K8RACAUTO | KEMET |
C53, C54, C55 | 3 | CAP, CERM, 0.22 uF, 16 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0402 | GRM155R71C224KA12D | MuRata |
C69, C70, C72, C75, C77, C78, C79, C80, C82, C85 | 10 | CAP, CERM, 2.2 uF, 6.3 V, +/- 10%, X7R, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 0603 | GCM188R70J225KE22D | MuRata |
C71 | 1 | CAP, CERM, 3300 pF, 50 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0603 | C0603C332K5RACTU | Kemet |
C73, C74 | 2 | CAP, CERM, 12 pF, 50 V,+/- 5%, C0G/NP0, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 0402 | CGA2B2C0G1H120J050BA | TDK |
C95, C101, C102 | 3 | CAP, CERM, 0.47 uF, 50 V, +/- 10%, X7R, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 0603 | CGA3E3X7R1H474K080AE | TDK |
C96, C97, C99, C100 | 4 | CAP, CERM, 2.2 uF, 50 V, +/- 10%, X7R, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 0805 | CGA4J3X7R1H225K125AB | TDK |
C98 | 1 | CAP, Polymer Hybrid, 68 uF, 50 V, +/- 20%, 30 ohm, 8x10 SMD | EEHZA1H680P | Panasonic |
C103 | 1 | CAP, CERM, 1 uF, 50 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0603 | UMK107AB7105KA-T | Taiyo Yuden |
C105, C111 | 2 | CAP, CERM, 4.7 µF, 50 V,+/- 20%, X7R, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 1210 | UMK325B7475MMHT | Taiyo Yuden |
C106, C108 | 2 | CAP, CERM, 0.022 uF, 50 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0402 | GRM155R71H223KA12D | MuRata |
C109 | 1 | CAP, CERM, 0.1 uF, 10 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0603 | C0603X104K8RACTU | Kemet |
C110 | 1 | C0603 22 pF X7R 30ppm/°C 10.00% 50 V | C0603C220K5RACAUTO | KEMET |
C113 | 1 | CAP, CERM, 1 uF, 25 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0805 | C0805C105K3RACTU | Kemet |
C114, C115, C116 | 3 | CAP, CERM, 22 uF, 16 V, +/- 20%, X7R, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, 1210 | CGA6P1X7R1C226M250AC | TDK |
D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 | 5 | LED, Blue, SMD | LB Q39G-L2N2-35-1 | OSRAM |
D6 | 1 | Diode, Schottky, 40 V, 3 A, AEC-Q101, SOD-123W | PMEG4030ER,115 | Nexperia |
H1, H4, H5, H7 | 4 | FC2058-440-A | Fascomp | |
H2, H3, H6, H8 | 4 | MACHINE SCREW PAN PHILLIPS 4-40 | 9900 | Keystone |
J1, J17, J18, J24, J25, J26, J33 | 7 | Terminal Block, 5mm, 2x1, R/A, TH | 1792863 | Phoenix Contact |
J2, J3, J5, J7, J9, J11, J31 | 7 | Header, 100mil, 2x1, Gold, TH | HTSW-102-07-G-S | Samtec |
J4 | 1 | Header, 2.54mm, 4x2, Gold, TH | TSW-104-08-L-D | Samtec |
J6, J8, J10, J12, J13, J14, J16, J21, J22, J23 | 10 | Header, 100mil, 3x1, Gold, TH | HTSW-103-07-G-S | Samtec |
J15 | 1 | Header, 2.54mm, 4x3, Gold, TH | 5-103817-2 | TE Connectivity |
J27, J28, J29 | 3 | SMA Jack, Straight, 50 Ohm, Gold, TH | SMA-J-P-H-ST-TH1 | Samtec |
J30 | 1 | Receptacle, 0.5mm, USB TYPE C, R/A, SMT | 12401610E4#2A | Amphenol Canada |
J32 | 1 | Header (Shrouded), 1.27mm, 5x2, Gold, SMT | FTSH-105-01-F-DV-K | Samtec |
L1 | 1 | 100 Ohms @ 100MHz 1 Power Line Ferrite Bead 0805 (2012 Metric) 4A 20mOhm | MPZ2012S101ATD25 | TDK |
L2, L17 | 2 | Inductor, Shielded, Composite, 4.7 uH, 4.5 A, 0.0401 ohm, SMD | XAL4030-472MEB | Coilcraft |
L3 | 1 | Inductor, Shielded, Metal Composite, 1.5 µH, 2.3 A, 0.11 ohm, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, SMD | TFM201610ALMA1R5MTAA | TDK |
L4, L5, L6 | 3 | 240nH Shielded Thin Film Inductor 5A 23mOhm Max 0806 (2016 Metric) | TFM201610ALMAR24MTAA | TDK |
L7, L8, L9, L13 | 4 | 30 Ohms @ 100MHz 1 Power Line Ferrite Bead 0805 (2012 Metric) 6A 10mOhm | MPZ2012S300ATD25 | TDK |
L10, L11, L12 | 3 | Inductor, Shielded, Metal Composite, 470 nH, 3.9 A, 0.039 ohm, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, SMD | TFM201610ALMAR47MTAA | TDK |
L14, L15, L16 | 3 | Fixed Inductor 0.033uH 30% 4.7A 9mOhm 0603 | TFM160810ALTA33NNTAA | TDK |
L18 | 1 | Inductor, Shielded, Metal Composite, 1.5 µH, 5.8 A, 0.019 ohm, SMD | 74438356015 | Wurth Elektronik |
LBL1 | 1 | THT-14-423-10 | Brady | |
R1, R18, R22 | 3 | RES, 20.0 k, 1%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0603 | CRCW060320K0FKEA | Vishay-Dale |
R3, R35, R42, R49, R50, R51, R52 | 7 | RES, 1.2 k, 5%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW04021K20JNED | Vishay-Dale |
R4, R5, R77, R81, R86 | 5 | RES, 100 k, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 | RC0603FR-07100KL | Yageo |
R7, R27, R28, R29 | 4 | RES 0 OHM JUMPER 1/4W 0603 | HCJ0603ZT0R00 | Stackpole Electronics |
R8 | 1 | RES, 8.25 k, 1%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0603 | CRCW06038K25FKEA | Vishay-Dale |
R9 | 1 | RES, 0.47, 1%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0603 | ERJ-3RQFR47V | Panasonic |
R11 | 1 | RES, 0, 0%, 0.2 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW04020000Z0EDHP | Vishay-Dale |
R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R47, R70, R71, R73, R76 | 10 | RES, 0, 5%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW04020000Z0ED | Vishay-Dale |
R24, R25, R26, R39 | 4 | RES, 0, 5%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | ERJ-2GE0R00X | Panasonic |
R30, R31, R32 | 3 | RES, 49.9, 1%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | RMCF0402FT49R9 | Stackpole Electronics Inc |
R33, R36, R43 | 3 | RES, 4.87 k, 1%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW04024K87FKED | Vishay-Dale |
R34, R44, R61, R62, R63, R64, R66, R67, R68, R69, R72, R74, R75 | 13 | RES, 10 k, 5%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW040210K0JNED | Vishay-Dale |
R37 | 1 | RES, 100, 5%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW0402100RJNED | Vishay-Dale |
R38, R40, R46 | 3 | RES, 1.0 M, 5%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW04021M00JNED | Vishay-Dale |
R45 | 1 | RES, 383 k, 1%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW0402383KFKED | Vishay-Dale |
R48 | 1 | RES, 200 k, 5%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW0402200KJNED | Vishay-Dale |
R65 | 1 | RES, 1.00, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 | RC0603FR-071RL | Yageo |
R78 | 1 | RES, 255 k, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 | RC0603FR-07255KL | Yageo |
R79 | 1 | RES, 0.51, 1%, 0.25 W, 0805 | CRM0805-FX-R510ELF | Bourns |
R83 | 1 | RES, 1.00 k, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 | RC0603FR-071KL | Yageo |
R84 | 1 | RES, 43.2 k, 1%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0603 | CRCW060343K2FKEA | Vishay-Dale |
R85 | 1 | RES, 100, 5%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0603 | CRCW0603100RJNEA | Vishay-Dale |
R87 | 1 | RES, 1.00 k, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 | ERJ-3EKF1001V | Panasonic |
R88 | 1 | RES, 100, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 | RC0603FR-07100RL | Yageo |
SH-J1, SH-J2, SH-J3, SH-J4, SH-J5, SH-J6, SH-J7, SH-J8, SH-J9, SH-J10, SH-J11, SH-J12, SH-J13, SH-J14 | 14 | Shunt, 100mil, Gold plated, Black | 881545-2 | TE Connectivity |
TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6, TP7, TP8, TP9, TP10, TP11, TP12, TP13, TP14 | 14 | Test Point, Compact, SMT | 5016 | Keystone |
U1 | 1 | Three Buck Converters and 5-V Boost for AWR and IWR Radar Sensors | LP877451A1RXVRQ1 | Texas Instruments |
U2 | 1 | Automotive Catalog, Dual, 200mA, Low-IQ Low-Dropout Regulator for Portable Devices, DSE0006A (WSON-6) | TLV7103318QDSERQ1 | Texas Instruments |
U3 | 1 | MSP432E401YTPDT, PDT0128A (TQFP-128) | MSP432E401YTPDTR | Texas Instruments |
U4 | 1 | 4-Channel USB ESD Solution with Power Clamp, DRY0006A (USON-6) | TPD4S012DRYR | Texas Instruments |
U5 | 1 | Linear Voltage Regulator IC 1 Output 500mA 6-WSON (2x2) | TPS74533PQWDRVRQ1 | Texas Instruments |
U6 | 1 | Low-Capacitance 6-Channel +/-15 kV ESD Protection Array for High-Speed Data Interfaces, RSE0008A (UQFN-8) | TPD6E004RSER | Texas Instruments |
U7 | 1 | 8-BIT BIDIRECTIONAL LOW-VOLTAGE TRANSLATOR, PW0020A (TSSOP-20) | SN74GTL2003PWR | Texas Instruments |
U8 | 1 | Automotive 5.5-V low-voltage standard quad-channel comparator with 1-microsecond delay 14-TSSOP -40 to 125 | LM339LVQPWRQ1 | Texas Instruments |
U9 | 1 | Automotive 4 A Low Noise Synchronous Buck Regulators, RJR0014A (VQFN-HR-14) | LM62440APPQRJRRQ1 | Texas Instruments |
Y1 | 1 | Crystal, 25 MHz, 20 ppm, AEC-Q200 Grade 1, SMD | ECS-250-12-33Q-JES-TR | ECS Inc. |
C62, C63, C64 | 0 | Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive | GCM188D70J106ME36D | Murata |
C104 | 0 | CAP, CERM, 1000 pF, 50 V, +/- 10%, X7R, 0603 | C0603C102K5RACTU | Kemet |
J19, J20 | 0 | Receptacle, 2.5mm, 3x2, Gold, SMT | 6651712-1 | TE Connectivity |
R2, R10 | 0 | RES, 20.0 k, 1%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0603 | CRCW060320K0FKEA | Vishay-Dale |
R6, R12, R20, R53, R54, R55, R56, R57, R58, R59, R60 | 0 | RES, 0, 5%, 0.063 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | CRCW04020000Z0ED | Vishay-Dale |
R19, R21, R23 | 0 | RES, 100 k, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 | RC0603FR-07100KL | Yageo |
R41 | 0 | RES, 0, 5%, 0.1 W, AEC-Q200 Grade 0, 0402 | ERJ-2GE0R00X | Panasonic |
R80, R82 | 0 | RES, 1.00 k, 1%, 0.1 W, 0603 | RC0603FR-071KL | Yageo |
Changes from Revision * (September 2021) to Revision A (October 2022)
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