SNVU849A May   2023  – September 2024 LP5890 , LP5891 , LP5891-Q1 , TLC6983 , TLC6984


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Software Setup
  6. 3Sample Code Structure
    1. 3.1 Design Parameters
    2. 3.2 Flow Diagram
    3. 3.3 System Setup
    4. 3.4 Diagnostics
    5. 3.5 Demo
  7. 4Revision History

Flow Diagram

Figure 3-1 depicts the high level flow in the sample code.

During the Setup MCU, several macros defined in file system_info.h determine if SPI is used to communicate to the augmented connectivity device or the Configurable Logic Block (CLB) to communicate to the LED drivers using CCSI. When SPI is used for communication, the augmented connectivity device is initialized for the CCSI data rate, and FIFO levels.

The FC_settings.h file can automatically be generated by the Registers Map Generation Tool mentioned in Section 2. Not all register settings are coming from this file. The number of scan lines (field SCAN_NUM in register FC0) and the number of cascaded devices (field CHIP_NUM in register FC0) are coming from the file system_info.h. This file is described in more detail in Section 3.3.

The flow diagram also shows the files frames.c and frames.h which contain the 2 frames used during the animation mode. It is outside the scope of this document to explain how these frames are generated.

LP5891Q1EVM LP5891-Q1 Sample Code Flow
                    Diagram Figure 3-1 Sample Code Flow Diagram