To rebuild the API library object, follow this procedure:
- If not already done, install the required software tools described in Section 6.2.
- In CCS or higher, click 'Project -> Import CCS Projects…'.
- Navigate to the Code Composer Studio (CCS) projectspec directory for your device, see Table 7-1.
- Select the library project of choice and click 'Finish'.
- In the CCS Project Explorer window, expand the selected project and open the file corresponding SysConfig file (for example, “pto_pulsegen.syscfg”).
- Inspect the configuration of the tile(s) and observe the logical expressions in the LUTs and FSMs, and output LUTs.
- From the CCS menu, select 'Project -> Build Project'.
- At this point, an output object (.lib) is generated and located in the [lib_base]\lib folder. This file will be included in PTO example projects. This object is a compiled object of the PTO source files.
- [Optional] – for instructions on how to run a simulation of the CLB based project, see the Running the Simulation section in the CLB Tool User’s Guide.