Two projects are provided: one for the UBL and one for the DSP LED blinking program. Open each project file in CCS and click'Build' in the respective processor window. Precompiled .out files are located in the Debug directories of the software package.
Generate the AIS image.
Open the AISgen tool and select File -> Load Configuration.
Choose the .cfg file (located in the base directory of the OMAPL138-DSP-LED folder) corresponding to the desired boot medium.
Choose the correct Device Type for the silicon revision you are using. If you are unsure, use the GEL file provided in Section 4 to determine this.
Fill in the " Application File" field with both the UBL and the DSP program. When given two source application files, the AISgen tool combines them into a single image in the order that they are listed.
First, click the "..." button and provide the path to the OMAPL138-DSP-LED-ARM.out file.
Next, click the "+" button and choose the OMAPL138-DSP-LED-DSP.out file.
Fill in the "AIS Output File" field by giving the path where the destination AIS file will be created.
Click Generate AIS.
Flash the AIS image:
For NAND, NOR, and SPI bootmodes, use the serial flasher to flash the image to the desired boot medium using the "-flash_noubl" option. For more information, see Section 2.2.3.
For UART bootmode, use the serial loader to boot from the UART host as follows: