Review and verify the following for
the custom schematic design:
- Above sections, including
relevant application notes and FAQ links
- Pin connectivity
requirements, pin attributes, and signal description
- Standards referenced in the
electrical characteristics including recommended operating conditions and
any additional available information
- IO buffer type implemented
and the allowed supply configuration (LVCMOS fixed (1.8V / 3.3V) or SDIO
dynamic voltage switching)
- Connection of valid supply to
all the IO supply groups (VDDSHVx, VDDSHV_MCU, and VDDSHV_CANUART)
- Sequencing of the IO
- 3.3V IO supply
Schematic Review
Folloe the below list for the custom
schematic design:
- Attached device IO supply and
the IO supply group (IO supply rail) referenced by the interface signals are
connected to the same supply source
- Pullups are connected to the
same supply rail that is connected to the processor IO supply group VDDSHVx
and attached device
- Connecting the 3.3V supply
connected to the PMIC input directly to the IO supply groups (processor IO
supplies VDDSHVx) is not recommended since the IO supply will be available
for an undefined time in case the PMIC does not start-up and generate the
other processor supply rails
- Note the power sequencing requirements based on the IO supply rail voltage level
- Dynamic voltage scaling are supported by some specific IO supply groups
(VDDSHV4, VDDSHV5 and VDDSHV6 based on the processor family)
- Dynamic scaling of the IO group supply referenced to LVCMOS IO buffers are not
allowed or recommended (VDDSHV0..3, VDDSHV_MCU, VDDSHV_CANUART)