SPRAD24 august 2023 AM2631 , AM2632 , AM2632-Q1 , AM2634 , AM2634-Q1 , AM263P4 , AM263P4-Q1
Run the code by going to Run → Resume or clicking the Resume button in the tool bar. The project can now run and the variables display in the Expressions window. Check the following to confirm the application and hardware set up are working:
You can halt the CPU by first clicking the Suspend button on the toolbar or by selecting Target → Suspend. To run the application from the start again, reset the controller by clicking on the CPU Reset tool bar button or clicking Run → Reset → CPU Reset and then clicking on the Restart button or Run → Restart. You can close the CCS debug session by clicking the Terminate button or by clicking Run → Terminate. This will halt the program and disconnect CCS from the controller.
Note that it is not necessary to terminate the debug session each time you change the code. Instead you can go to Run → Load → Load Program... (or Reload Program... if it is the same file). CCS will also automatically prompts to ask if you want to reload your executable if it detects you have rebuilt it.