This section details the steps needed
to run the MCAN Flash Kernel on the ControlCard:
- Enter a command with the
parameters as described below:
- Example:
can_flash_programmer.exe -d f28003x -k
flash_kernel_ex4_can_flash_kernel.txt -a led_ex1_blinky.txt
- After the kernel is downloaded,
it moves the application file to flash and confirms that the application load
has completed.
For the LaunchPad, the following steps
must be taken:
- Set LaunchPad SW4 position to OFF
(down). This is done to route the CANTX and CANRX signals to the header instead
of the transceiver.
- Open up a command window and
navigate to where can_flash_programmer.exe is.
- Enter a command with the
parameters as described below:
- Example:
can_flash_programmer.exe -d f28003x -k
flash_kernel_ex4_can_flash_kernel.txt -a led_ex1_blinky.txt
- After the kernel is downloaded,
it transfers the firmware to flash and confirms that the application load has