SPRAD52 August   2022 AM2431 , AM2432 , AM2434 , AM6411 , AM6412 , AM6421 , AM6422 , AM6441 , AM6442


  1.   AM574x Extended Power-On Hours (POH)
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2Wear-Out Mechanisms
  5. 3Guidelines for Extended POH
  6. 4Summary
  7. 5References

Guidelines for Extended POH

For extended POH up to 200k POH (greater than 20 years), the same notes apply as listed for 100k POH in the Power-On Hours (POH) section in the AM64x Sitara™ Processors Data Manual and in the Power-On Hours (POH) section in the AM243x Sitara™ Microcontrollers Data Manual.

As noted in the data manuals, AM64x and AM243x achieve an estimated 100k POH with Tj in industrial temperature range of -40°C to 105°C.

Extended POH estimates up to 200k POH are stated in Figure 3-1 for continuous processor operation. An estimated 200k POH can be targeted for systems by maintaining Tj in range of ‐20°C to 85°C. Note that there are estimates from 100k and 200k POH between 105°C and 85°C and between -40°C and -20°C, respectively, that can be utilized for extended lifetime profiling as well.

Figure 3-1 Extended Power-On Hour Estimates Over Junction Temperature