SPRADC1 june 2023 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
The Multicore Shared Memory Controller (MSMC) forms the heart of the compute cluster (COMPUTE_CLUSTER0) providing high-bandwidth resource access both to and from all of the connected processing elements and the rest of the system. MSMC serves as the data-movement backbone of the compute cluster.
The MSMC subsystem supports an on chip MSMC SRAM, which on TDA4VM is 8MB (4 banks x 2MB) SRAM with ECC. This memory is:
The MSMC SRAM can be configured either as SRAM or as L3 Cache, or a combination of both. This memory can be used for performance improvement of a particular module.
To see how to split the MSMC as Cache and SRAM, see Section 4.4.2