SPRADD2 august   2023 AM62A1-Q1 , AM62A3 , AM62A3-Q1 , AM62A7 , AM62A7-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. Introduction
  5. AM62A Processor
  6. System Block Diagram
  7. Driver and Occupancy Mirror System Data Flow
  8. Deep Learning Acceleration
  9. Functional Safety in DMS/OMS Applications Using AM62A
    1. 6.1 Overview of Functional Safety Features on AM62A
  10. Functional Safety Targets and Assumptions of Use
  11. Functional Safety in DMS/OMS Data Flow
  12. LED Driver Illumination Use Case
  13. 10Summary
  14. 11References

LED Driver Illumination Use Case

An extension of the DMS/OMS application is the need to provide eye safety by providing proper control of LED illumination. ASIL-B is typical safety integrity level targeted for this application. The software driver code that controls the LED via the LED driver is expected to run on the Cortex-R5 MCU. Safety mechanisms listed in Table 8-1 for MCU domain will be leveraged to provide protection of software driver code running on the Cortex-R5. LED driver shown in the diagram is an external component provided by system integrator. This LED driver can be functional safety qualified as well. Faults from the LED driver can then be further reported to the MCU R5. Software running on the Cortex-R5 MCU can take necessary action when faults are reported from external components such as the LED driver (GPIO can be used for fault communication) or internal fault reporting from error signal monitors within the AM62A device.

GUID-20230807-SS0I-KHTT-THLM-KD9Q4G3JWTBH-low.svg Figure 9-1 LED Driver Illumination Use Case