SPRADH0 August 2024 AM625 , AM6442 , AM69 , TDA4VM
CODESYS, short for COntrols DEvelopment SYStem, is an integrated development environment for programming PLC applications based on IEC 61131-3. CODESYS is the leading manufacturer-independent IEC 61131-3 automation software for engineering control systems. There are two key pieces of software when using CODESYS. The first piece is an Integrated Development Environment known as the CODESYS Development System which acts as a GUI for programmers and controls engineers to write control applications using the IEC 61131-3 programming languages and to create visualizations for those control applications. The second piece is a runtime software typically installed on a PLC, but CODESYS can be installed on any intelligent device that meets the minimum requirements of the runtime. One example of a runtime system is CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL, intended for an ARM®-based board or device used for control applications with pre-installed Linux with or without hard real-time requirements.