SPRADK2 November   2024 F29H850TU , F29H859TU-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Supplemental Online Information
  6. 3SSU Overview
  7. 4Key Concept Definitions
  8. 5Safety and Security Goals
  9. 6System Design
  10. 7Configuring the SSU
    1. 7.1 Flash SECCFG Region
    2. 7.2 SSU Development Life Cycle
    3. 7.3 Using the SysConfig Tool
      1. 7.3.1 Enabling System Security Configuration
      2. 7.3.2 Configuring Application Modules
      3. 7.3.3 Configuring Special Modules
        1. LINK2 Configuration
        2. LINK1 Configuration
        3. Adding Shared Memory
      4. 7.3.4 Defining Sandboxes
  11. 8Summary
  12. 9References

Key Concept Definitions

This section contains the definitions of key concepts.

    Access Protection Range (APR)This is the basic unit of memory protection in the SSU. An access protection range covers a specific region of Flash memory, SRAM, or peripherals. Each APR defines read and write access permissions for every LINK. An APR can also be configured as a code region, which enables CPU instruction fetches from that memory region.
    LINKIn a C29 CPU subsystem, LINKs form the basis for context-sensitive memory protection. Each LINK can represent one or more regions of executable code. The associated LINK identifier is used to determine what data memory regions (APRs) can be accessed by that code.
    STACKSTACKs isolate code execution contexts from each other. Each STACK has a dedicated stack pointer in the C29 CPU, and provides hardware safety and security isolation of code from other STACKs. Every LINK belongs to one and only one STACK, but a STACK can contain multiple LINKs.
    ZONEZONEs determine debug and firmware update permissions. While APRs, LINKs, and STACKs are defined independently for each CPU, ZONEs span the entire device, excluding the Hardware Security Module (HSM) (which is not governed by the SSU).
    HSMThe Hardware Security Manager is a self-contained subsystem within the device that provides key security services, including secure boot, secure storage, debug and firmware update security, and run-time cryptographic services. The HSM is different from the SSU, which is an integral part of the application C29 CPU subsystem. The HSM and SSU perform complementary and orthogonal roles on the device, except for debug authorization: both the HSM and SSU must authorize access to a resource before debug access is enabled to that resource.
    Partial DebugWhen a ZONE is enabled for partial debug, the user is allowed to debug CPU execution (halt, resume, and view CPU registers) but debug read and write accesses to memories that can otherwise be accessed by LINKs in that ZONE are blocked.
    Full DebugWhen a ZONE is enabled for full debug, the user can debug the CPU and perform all memory accesses permitted for any LINK within that ZONE.
    SECCFGThis is a special Flash region that is designated for storing SSU configuration settings. The values stored in the SECCFG region are loaded into the SSU registers during device boot. Most of these settings cannot be changed during run time, and can only be modified by programming new values into SECCFG and resetting the device.
    UPPUser Protection Policy. This is the collection of SSU configuration settings that are programmed into the SECCFG region.
    Memory RegionA region of memory configured in SysConfig. This is equivalent to an Access Protection Range (APR).
    ModuleIn SysConfig, a Module consists of a LINK, the code memory regions (executable APRs) that are associated with that LINK, the data memory regions (data APRs) and peripherals that belong to the module, and peripheral interrupts associated with the module. In practice, modules allow the user to organize the application into distinct tasks or partitions that can be isolated from one another for functional safety and security.
    Shared MemoryIn SysConfig, a Shared Memory consists of one or more APRs that are accessible by multiple Modules. Shared Memories can be used to share data between Modules in a distinct memory range, while maintaining safety protection for other memory regions belonging to those modules.
    SandboxIn SysConfig, a Sandbox consists of a STACK, and can contain one or more Modules.
    RTOSA Real-Time Operating System, such as FreeRTOS® or AUTOSAR®.