SPRU513Z August 2001 – October 2023 SM320F28335-EP
A hexadecimal integer literal is a string of up to eight hexadecimal digits followed by the suffix H (or h) or preceded by 0x. A hexadecimal literal must begin with a decimal value (0-9) if it is indicated by the H or h suffix.
Hexadecimal digits include the decimal values 0-9 and the letters A-F or a-f. If fewer than eight hexadecimal digits are specified, the assembler right-justifies the bits.
These are examples of valid hexadecimal literals:
78h | Literal equal to 12010 or 007816 |
0x78 | Literal equal to 12010 or 007816 |
0Fh | Literal equal to 1510 or 000F16 |
37ACh | Literal equal to 1425210 or 37AC16 |