SPRU513Z August 2001 – October 2023 SM320F28335-EP
Define Page Title
.title "string"
The .title directive supplies a title that is printed in the heading on each listing page. The source statement itself is not printed, but the line counter is incremented.
The string is a quote-enclosed title of up to 64 characters. If you supply more than 64 characters, the assembler truncates the string and issues a warning:
*** WARNING! line x: W0001: String is too long - will be truncated
The assembler prints the title on the page that follows the directive and on subsequent pages until another .title directive is processed. If you want a title on the first page, the first source statement must contain a .title directive.
In this example, one title is printed on the first page and a different title is printed on succeeding pages.
Source file:
.title "**** Fast Fourier Transforms ****"
; .
; .
; .
.title "**** Floating-Point Routines ****"
Listing file:
TMS320C2000 COFF Assembler Version x.xx Day Time Year
Copyright (c) 1996-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated
**** Fast Fourier Transforms **** PAGE 1
2 ; .
3 ; .
4 ; .
TMS320C2000 COFF Assembler Version x.xx Day Time Year
Copyright (c) 1996-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated
**** Floating-Point Routines **** PAGE 2
No Errors, No Warnings