SPRU514Z July 2001 – October 2023 SM320F28335-EP
The MUST_ITERATE pragma specifies to the compiler certain properties of a loop. When you use this pragma, you are guaranteeing to the compiler that a loop executes a specific number of times or a number of times within a specified range.
Any time the UNROLL pragma is applied to a loop, MUST_ITERATE should be applied to the same loop. For loops the MUST_ITERATE pragma's third argument, multiple, is the most important and should always be specified.
Furthermore, the MUST_ITERATE pragma should be applied to any other loops as often as possible. This is because the information provided via the pragma (especially the minimum number of iterations) aids the compiler in choosing the best loops and loop transformations (that is, nested loop transformations). It also helps the compiler reduce code size.
No statements are allowed between the MUST_ITERATE pragma and the for, while, or do-while loop to which it applies. However, other pragmas, such as UNROLL, can appear between the MUST_ITERATE pragma and the loop.