SPRUI03E June 2015 – January 2023
The hex conversion utility output address field corresponds to the ROM device address. The EPROM programmer burns the data into the location specified by the hex conversion utility output file address field. The hex conversion utility offers some mechanisms to control the starting address in ROM of each section. However, many EPROM programmers offer direct control of the location in ROM in which the data is burned.
Depending on whether or not you are using the boot loader, the hex conversion utility output file controlling mechanisms are different.
Non-boot loader mode. The address field of the hex conversion utility output file is controlled by the following mechanisms listed from low to high priority:
You must use the --zero option in conjunction with the --image option to force the starting address in each output file to be zero. If you specify the --zero option without the --image option, the utility issues a warning and ignores the --zero option.
Boot-Loader Mode. When the boot loader is used, the hex conversion utility places the different sections that are in the boot table into consecutive memory locations. Each section becomes a boot table block whose destination address is equal to the linker-assigned section load address.
In a boot table, the address field of the hex conversion utility output file is not related to the section load addresses assigned by the linker. The address fields of the boot table are simply offsets to the beginning of the table. The section load addresses assigned by the linker will be encoded into the boot table along with the size of the section and the data contained within the section. These addresses will be used to store the data into memory during the boot load process.
The beginning of the boot table defaults to the linked load address of the first bootable section in the input file, unless you use one of the following mechanisms, listed here from low to high priority. Higher priority mechanisms override the values set by low priority options in an overlapping range.